Chapter 5 I Have a Choice To Make

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I looked at Max, I was completely shock. I felt like Carrie White. You know when Tommy Ross asks her to prom, it was just like that. You couldn't see it coming.

"What?" I asked as if I hadn't heard him. He smiled. "I asked you if you wanted to go to prom with me" he said.

My face lit up, but then I thought of something. What if it was another prank, or a joke. I didn't want to get hurt again.

Even if he is my crush, I have to be careful. "I don't like being tricked" I said frowning.

He looked at me confused. "This isn't a trick" he said sadly. "If you guys think you can trick me for the rest of my life, your wrong" I said angrily. I don't know why I was so angry.

"I promise you, this isn't a prank or anything" he said, he put his hands out, showing that they weren't crossed. "Look, my fingers aren't even crossed."

I looked at him seriously, just staring into his eyes. I didn't know what to believe. "I'll let you think about it" he said smiling, putting his fingers away. I looked at him nervously.

"Ok..." I said quietly. He smiled, then he turned around and walked away. I sighed as I watched him leave. I turned around and shut the door behind me.

"So what did he want?" Mum asked as I passed the kitchen. I looked up at her. "It was nothing" I said, I know it was a lie, but I didn't want mum lecturing me to go to prom with him.

I went back up to my room, picked up my phone and dialed Gwen's number.

I waited for a minute, then she answered. "Hello?" I heard Gwen say. "Hey Gwen, it's me Sonya" I said smiling.

"Hey Sonya, how are you?" She asked. I shrugged, "I'm good, I've got something to tell you" I said happily. "You found out a way to get back at Chloe?" She asked eagerly.

"What? No, Max invited me to the prom" I said happily. I heard Gwen gasp, then I heard her squeal.

"Oh my gosh Sonya, that is awesome!" she said happily. I sighed. I didn't know how to tell her that I didn't know if I should go to prom with him or not.

"There's a but, isn't there" she said, sounding concerned. I sighed again, their was no point on lying to her. "I don't know if I want to go with him or not" I said worriedly.

I heard Gwen gasp again. "Sonya, Max is one of the most sweetest and most cutest guy in school. He has no reason to play a trick on you" she said, sounding supportive. I smiled, maybe she's right I thought happily.

"I'll think about it" I said still smiling. "I promise." "Ok, well I've gotta go, my mum needs help with the grocery shopping" She said.

We both laughed. "Ok bye." I hanged up and put the phone down on my bedside table. I sighed. I had know idea what to do.

I decided to read one of my magazines, just to get my mind off it. I was nearly done reading one when I heard mum call for me. "Sonya! Dinners is ready!" I looked at my watch on my wrist, it was 6:30. Crap! I thought, was I really reading for that long? Put the magazine back on the covetable and went downstairs.

When I got to the dinningroom, the first thing I had noticed was that dad hadn't come home yet.

"Where's dad?" I asked mum who was already sitting at the table. "He's staying late at work" she said, sort of smiling, sort of frowning.

I sighed in relief. At least Dad wouldn't hurt mum again, that I was sure of.

We ate our dinner and talked about how our days been, it was never like this, when dad usually ate with us, the whole room is filled with this uneasiness.

Sometimes, very rarely actually dad will be somewhere else, staying late at work or at a business meeting, when he is gone, me and mum talk about our day.

It's  like dad is the negative thing in our family and he is, and he always will be.

After we finished dinner, I helped mum wash the dishes and put them away, I like helping her, I feel like she's more like my sister than my mum.

Anyway, after that was done I went back to my room and started my English homework which was due tomorrow, it was to read out a poem about something that has happened in our lives that have changed us, I was nearly finished, I just needed to practice more. I kept reciting it outloud .

"Some say the world will end in fire, some say by ice. From what I've tasted of desire, I hold with those who flavour fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate, to say that the destruction ice is also great... And would suffice" I said aloud, I took a deep breath, then I exhaled it out. I looked at my watch, it was 7:30, I was tired.

I put my homework in my bag, put on my pjs and went to bed.

That night, I found myself at school, I don't know how I got their, but it was prom night and me and Max won prom queen and king, you can probably see where this was going.

We we're just standing their, everyone was clapping, then I heard laughter like cruel, disgusting laughter, the one you would hear when someone finds something funny in a horrible and twisted way, this made everyone stop clapping. Then the laugher stopped, only to be followed by clapping. Someone was making their way to the stage.

It was Chloe, she had her blonde hair out, dangling over her shoulders wearing a grey tank top an a short sequined skirt. "Look at you Sonya" she said, a sickening grin crossed her face. I gulped, what she was talking about? "Your prom queen, your with the most popular guy in school" she continued, she had an innocent look on her face.

Then her innocent look faded, now an angry and jealous expression came on her face."Yet you still a freak!" she yelled suddenly.

She stomped onto the stage and stood right in front of me, like a meter from me. "Freak!" She yelled again grabbing me. "Freak!" She grabbed my wrist and pushed me off the stage.

I fell over, I looked up desperately at who was above me.

They just laughed at me, like I was nothing. That feeling, that feeling I felt when I got my white hair and how I felt like Carrie, it came back.

The feeling of humiliation overcame me, like a giant wave of sadness and disgust came over me.

"Your a freak Sonya! I can't even call you my daughter!" I heard my dad say in hat angry voice of his, then I heard his laughter, something I've never heard from him. "Freak Freak! Freak!" Some other voices yelled around me, it became a chant. I shrieked very loudly and covered my eyes.

"Leave me alone!" I yelled out crying.

No one stopped, they just kept on laughing, only even harder. I began to sob. I just wanted it to be over.

Author's Note: Hey guys, thanks for reading this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it so far,the poem I used in this chapter is a real poem I don't own it, it belongs to Robert Frost. All credit goes to him. Anyways, please feel free to Comment on what you think of the story so far, and remember to follow me for updates on my stories. Again, thanks you for reading and have a nice day 😄

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