Chapter 1

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*Jared in this story is the younger version of Jared Padalecki from Supernatural
       I stand less than five inches behind the door, wondering what was going to happen when he opens it. I haven't seen my father in two years and I didn't know what to expect. I remember when my mom took me to New York to get away from Springhill Falls. He just obliged, neither questioning her, nor fighting for me to stay. He hasn't called or talked to me since. And for the last two years I would ask my mom, what happened to our family? What happened to dad? She would say happened.
I rang the doorbell, soon regretting what I had done. My father opens the door and he smiles brightly telling me to come in as if nothing has ever happened. His white hair creep out from beneath his ears while the rest of his hair was black and his eyes were dark; it looked so sad. His eyes made me feel ten times worse than I ever would've imagined.
"Hey Jamie." My father said smiling with his hands clasped together. I just stare inventively and confused.
"Look, I'm sorry." His smile turns into an apologetic look. My jaw drops to the ground.
"You're sorry?" Too much was going on in a short period of time and I was speechless. I was shocked.
"Yeah. I should've been there. I would've-I just-"He started, but I cut him off. I felt a deep lump growing in my throat. My heart started to race and my stomach started to hurt.
"Just what?! Huh?!You haven't called or sent me cards! Nothing! So don't be all I'm sorry, I love you! You're just a person that was in my life for a while. Nothing more!" I shouted tears streaming down my face.
"Jamie, you don't understand-"he started. I ran up the stairs and into my old room. I slammed the door and leaned against it sliding down and bawling my eyes out. Why does he get the feeling that I would forgive him after what he has done? Because we are related? No, family is not just blood, I tell myself, you have to earn that.
I take the end of my shirt sleeve and wipe the tears off my face. My vision cultivates and I get up looking at my old bedroom. Everything is exactly the same. My bed is neatly set and all my pillows and stuffed animals were in order. The drawers were empty but I brought a couple of suitcases with all my belongings back from New York. The TV was still there so I decide to lay on my bed and turn on the news.
Apparently two teenage girls, around my age are missing. They have been gone for two weeks. Seriously, I thought South America was a safe place. I decided to watch something else besides the news. I ended up watching Grey's Anatomy and three episodes later, I drift off into a deep sleep.
The apartment was cold and dark. Aside from the sound of the rain, it was quiet. The windows were open; therefore, there was a puddle of water across the hardwood floor. The curtains wildly flailed. That's when a flash of lightning appears and a loud noise is heard from the inside of a bedroom. Inside the bedroom was one queen-sized bed, a desk lamp, a couple of drawers, a TV and... a dead body? "Mom!"
"Moomm!" I scream and jump off the bed with sweat coming off my body. My Dad runs in and I start to sob.
"Wuh...what happened?" My father asks, coming towards me with clear fright in his eyes. I move away from him and he is obviously hurt by my action. Good.
"Are you okay? His eyes are wild and his hands were shaking "Do you want to talk about it?" He says with (counterfeit) concern in his eyes. Who knew he was such a good actor?
"I'm fine, it's 6:30." I say noticing I need to get ready for school.
"What?' He says obviously confused.
"School. "Is all I can manage to say. He nods and leaves the room.

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