Chapter 12

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      Tommy and my dad killed of the rest of the werewolves by themselves. I don't think we would've been able to have survived if it was the full moon. I thought about how Jared told me that monsters were real. He was so straight up and he didn't seem scared at all. Why can't I be like that.
     "Well, that was fun." Jean mentioned and I giggled at her comment as we walked up a narrow stair case. It was dark and at any moment a vampire or demon can attack.
It was still and quiet for a while. That was until, a vampire jumped on Jean and bit her. I recognized the vampire. He was one of the guys from what Elena called the "popular crew." As the vampire was slowly draining  the life out of Jean, and I take colt, shooting the vampire, whilst I didn't have any weapons and the rest of the group got separated.
As Jean got up, she placed her hand over her wound. She smiled and quick before my eyes a vampire takes her head and snaps it whilst killing her. She falls to my feet and I gasp for air then cover my mouth. Something starts to build up in my throat and My chest starts to fall. I want to cry so bad but I know that'll be stupid. I take the colt and shoot vampire that killed her in the stomach and two other vampires in the head.
When I get into a room I see another vampire in which I recognize once again. But this vampire isn't just anyone. It was Elena.
     "Elena?" I say through sobs.
     "Jamie. What are you doing here?" She says.
      "Are you-" I began as she interrupts me
      "A vampire." She says with a smile on her face. "Isn't it great. Andy, the love of my life is a vampire. He made me a vampire so we can be together forever."
"How can you be so stupid" That was harsh but someone ought to tell her. "A vampire falling love with a human is like a human falling in love with a chicken! You were just food to them and now that they turned you into a vampire, you are now considered a monster. He ruin your life. You'll never be happy" I scream at her, but she starts to laugh.
     "No, look Jamie you don't understand. He loves me." She says with worry in her eyes.
     "No he does no-" Elena tackles me onto the floor. She hit my head causing me to feel dizzy.
     "Don't you dare say he doesn't love me." She starts to choke me and my entire body starts to heat up. I kick Elena in her sensitive area and she yelps for air whilst climbing off of me.
     She lays on the floor while I stand up. She looks at me and all I see are evil, and pain in her eyes. She is never going to be happy again and so I decided to save her from her suffering and raise the colt to her head hence killing her. She drops dead, her lifeless eyes lay open. I bend beside he closing her eyes and begin to sob.
I just killed the only friend I had in Springhills falls."DAMMIT ELENA!WHY DID YOU HAVE TO BE SO NAIVE?!" I yell out. I couldn't breathe. My chest hurt and there was a large knot in my stomach. I just wanted to die.

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