Chapter 4

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I step into the seemingly large cafeteria and looked methodically for Jared. I like this school because you were allowed to eat school lunch inside or outside the building. This school is so much different from the school I attended in New York. While the schools in New York look like prisons, with bars on the windows and cameras in every hallway, the schools here have open windows and personal lockers. It's really nice here at Springhill Falls high. It's mysterious, and cute. Like Jared.
I'm pretty sure Jared has this lunch period because I saw him yesterday eating a cheeseburger. I thought about how his Jaw looked like when he was eating a piece out it and I remember how he licked his lips after taking a sip out of his iced tea. He looked so good.
I snap out of my thoughts when I catch him taking a sip out of a water bottle filled with purple liquid across the room. I walk towards him and tap him gently on the back causing him to face me.
"What are you drinking?" I asked him curiously.
"It's Vervain mixed with Wolfs Bain, and holy water." He says very calmly and coolly.
"Oh...what happened last night?" I decided to just be straightforward since I couldn't wait any longer.
"It was a vampire, okay. Monsters are real. They don't really like living in the city, which is why it's most likely for you to never have seen one. However, you probably walked by some back in New York, but you don't know...Everything you believed wasn't real, is, except for fairytales of course. Wait... fairies are real though." He answers like it's all so simple, but it's not. My Jaw drops open and now I have no words. How can he be so straightforward. I thought I was the straightforward one!! He's so annoying.
Unfortunately, I had to say something so I wouldn't look like a coward.
"Okay." Is all I can manage to say?
"I got to go, but first-" He takes two steps forward and now he's about two inches away from me. I feel like everyone was watching us. I strongly blush. "Remember to NOT go outside by YOURSELF at night."
"Okay." I tell him. And he walks away, quickly. I once again, look at his ass. What is wrong with me?

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