Chapter 11

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For two hours my dad exchanged ideas for a plan hence the attack. And before you know it two pickup trucks and a red SUV pull up in front of our house. My dad and I step out of the house, my dad waving at the three men who looked like they were in their mid- thirties and a red haired women who looked about twenty-five.
"Tommy!" My dad said to the man with the short blonde hair and blue eyes. "Jean, Micheal, how you been?"
"Just taking a road trip, along while kicking ass." Jean playfull said while kissing my dad on the cheek. Jamie was wearing a black top with a maroon leather jacket and dark blue skinny jeans, and honestly, her boots were in perfect shape. It was brown and climbed just above her anckles. On the other hand, Tommy, dressed in a ripped up jean jacket with faded jeans. His boots looked worn out. Micheal had dark black hair with blue eyes which made him look so different and beautiful. He wore a green coat and dark blue jeans with black cowboy looking boots. They all had southern accents.
"Hi." I greet them with a smile. Micheal looked up and down at my body and I flush. My dad starts to scold him and we laugh. After that, I started to feel guilty for Jared. That's when Jeans comes up to me and grabs my face.
"My god, you look so much like your mother." Says Jean.
"Thank you" I smile and I few moments later I say, " so are we going to kick some ass or no." They all started to laugh except my dad.
The ride there was quick and I was pretty nervous...scratch that, I was scared out of my mind. I drove alone with Jareds Impala. I mean, I've never been into these types of cars, but specifically, I'm in love with Jareds Impala. I'll take this car over any Mustang any day. The engine was smooth and the leather seats were cushiony making my but feel so comfortable. Jared had a Hawaii dancer toy on top of the radio. All we were missing was Jared.
I looked out to see the warehouse. Behind me,the two pickup trucks and the SUV pass by me and park about two blocks away from the warehouse. I park right beside them.
Tommy comes out one of the trucks with a large rifle, along with a silver knife a hand bomb, and wolfs Bain . Micheal has a shotgun with rocksalt and with a normal handgun with silver bullets, two bottles of holy water, and a wooden stake. My dad has a Samaria sword, some holy water, wolfs Bain, vervain, and a handgun. All I bring is the colt and its many rare bullets.
There are about ten soldiers guarding the warehouse outside. It is dark, and luckily the full moon is nowhere to be found.
"You guys ready to kill some old dogs." Said Jean, tommy laughing, a little too loud.
"Did you here that!" One of the guards said to the two others. They both turned there heads, searching for where that sound came from. Tommys takes his hand and covers his mouth. As we turn around three of the guards that were talking came at us. Tommy kills one with his knife, my dad kills one with his sword. Now I'm fighting off the werewolf, blocking her and kicking her. I didn't want to use to colt because it will make a loud noise and I didn't want to waste a bullet on a werewolf .
"Aww, look at the cute little puppy." I said in a childish voice. That was immature but I didn't care. That's when she punches me and pain strikes all across the right side of my face. I fall to the ground and remember the fight I had with Jared before. I see her legs and slide it with mine so she faces face first on the ground. I climb on top of her pushing both arms on her sides.
"Catch." Says Tommy. I catch the knife and stab her in the heart. This was my first werewolf kill and I was proud of myself. As I get up, Jean taps me on the back.
"You really are your mothers daughter." She says and I couldn't help but smile.

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