Chapter 3

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       I've decided to go to the library after school. The first day wasn't so bad. I adored my Chemistry teacher Mrs. Conway. She was such a sweetheart. And I think she knew that I have a passion for science. I mean I love to know things. Scratch that... I crave to know things, which is why my grades in school are so spectacular.
       The Springhill fall's library is glorious. It was colossal and not at all simple. And the way it was set up made me feel like the smartest person in the world. I decided to study ancient Greece for an AP World essay I had to do next week. By the time I was done it was eleven p.m. I mean in New York, the library usually closes at five pm.
     After I was done I packed up and decided to head on home. It was only a twenty minute walk. It was super dark and it made me feel a little uncomfortable. Fifteen minutes later I found myself in a dark alley. And so, I scold myself for being stupid. For all I know some guy is going to jump me.
       Next thing you know, a figure runs past by and my heart starts to race. My chest hurts and I now somethings is going to happen. Why am I so stupid? Someone grabs me from behind and pushes me towards a brick wall of the building. I have to look inventively to see that I recognize this person.
      "Cory?" My heart rate starts to slow down.
      "Ah so you know who I am. Do you have a crush on me or something? Are you scared of me?" He says in the most perverted way. I try to push him off, but he wouldn't budge. My heart rate increases once again. I felt like it was going to rip out of my chest.
       "That's better. I like you scared" He says. "You have nice long black hair, you know." Wtf? Is this guy mental or something? "Lemme just move your beautiful hair and -" He slowly opens his mouth revealing inhumane teeth from both sides of his gums. His eyes were bloodshot and he looked like he was hungry for something. Like he was hungry for me. What the hell was going on?!
       As He was making his way towards my neck he grunts and his eyes go wild from something or someone stabbed him in the heart with a...a wooden stake? What the heavens hell is going on? Cory falls down to the floor where my feet are and as I look up, all I see is Jared.
      "Jared?" I knew it was him, but I said it anyways.
     "Get out of here." He says but I stay. I am confused as hell and I want answers.
     "What was that?" I ask. My heart rate is still elevated and it's not because I am scared. It's because I am with him.
      "I'll tell you tomorrow. Just go!" He practically yells it. I am taken back by his tone. I know he was worried about me. I could tell by the look on his face, but I assumed he would take me home or comfort me something.
       I run home and up to my room completely ignoring my father. I didn't sleep. I kept on trying to understand what just happened. I've decided to do some research. Not my regular ancient Greece research. I researched about vampires.

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