Chapter 10

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       I step into my house with a bruise on my neck from the demon that choked me earlier. I tried to cover it up before my dad saw it, but I was too late. His eyes expanded after seeing the red mark and he looked straight into my eyes. I froze.
     "Who...who di...did that to you? What did that to you." He stuttered.
     "Wait what do you mean by 'what' dad?" I just realized I called my father dad. It felt good to say "dad" instead of father.
      "I don't think a human did that to you." he said.
      " know about-" I was about to ask,but I stopped. Ofcourse he knew, he was married to my mom after all. I continue to stare at him.
       "Yes, it was actually part of the reason your mom left and why I didn't stop her from taking you away. You guys were in danger because of your blood. You know about your blood, right?" He said.
      "Yeah,I do." I reply.
      "What did that to you?" He asked stepping closer to me.
      "Demon." I said rapidly. If I knew what had really happened, I wouldn't have resented my dad all these years. "It took Jared, my friend, to a warehouse and I need to save him. The  demon said that there were about thirty monsters all together. I need to fight off demons, vampires and werewolves. I was told that need to use the felicity stake." Again, I'm being straightforward.
      "The felicity stake! Do you have it?" He half yelled,half whispered.
      "Unfortunately, no. Jared had it, but he never got to tell me where he put it." I looked down at my feet. I felt a deep lump growing in my throat." What if I can't save him dad." That's when he pulls me into a hug. I cry deeply into his shoulder.
       "Stop crying, jammy. There's another way." My dad hasn't called me jammy in forever,but I missed it. I slowly look up at him with a spark of hope in my eyes.
      "What how?!"  
      "By using the grand-colt. It can kill any monster, including Vulgar itself." He informs while clasping his hands together. My dad is wearing a robe and he kind of looks crazy
      "Well. Where is it?" I ask. He starts to walk up to you room and I follow. He opens one of the vents and takes out a silver colt with ancient mark similes on it. He takes out the wooden bullets from the inside.
      "These bullets are made from pieces of of a Araucaria mirabilis, an extinct species of  the coniferous tree from Patagonia, Argentina. It was extinct in 160 mya time. It comes from the same tree the felicity stake is made out of." He informs me. My dad is such a nerd.
      "Dad I need to borrow this. I need to save Jared!" I beg my dad.
      "Okay, but you aren't going alone. I oblige.
      Well that escalated quickly.

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