Chapter 13

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I step into the room to see Jared tied up in a chair at the center of the room. He was beat up and bruises covered his face.
"Jared!" I run towards him take a knife that was laying on the floor hence cutting off the rope used to tie him.
"Tra...trah..." He begins. He looks exhausted and he was tearing up.
"What?" I say stroking his hair, but I stop once he starts to wince.
"Trah...trahp...trap" he stutters. I slowly mouth the word trap. Suddenly, someone grabs me and tws me to the wall and pain stricken my back once again. " why do you guys always aim for the back." I gruntly say as I get up. Two of the demons stand about ten feet in front of me and start to grin.
"Wow she looks so much like her mother. I still remember how good it felt when I killed her." One of the demon says to the other and they both laugh. Jared just stands there in shock just as I am.
"What. WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" And they start to laugh once more. I am furious and tears are streaming down my face. I felt so much hatred for the two demons. I had the urge to skin them alive. "Go to hell." I suggest. My voice is deep and in pain.
I take my bullet and shoot both of the demons in the legs so they will suffer towards their death. Even though I killed the thing that killed my mother, I still felt like crap.
"VULGAR!" I say through my teeth. I run towards the door but Jared grabs me.
"The felicity stake. It's here." He says.
" I don't need it. I have this colt. It can kill any supernatural being." I say. A demon come up behind Jared and I shoot him. Jared turns around and then back me again.
"How much bullets do you have left." I check the colt, nothing that I have one bullet left. Shit.
"One. I have one left." I say as I bite my lower lip.
"Listen to me." Jared says and I nod." I'm going to get the stake, you stay here." I nod once again. As he leaves the room, I go to the back room where I assume Vulgar is, that son of a bitch."
As I walk into the room I see, a blonde haired middle aged women. As she turns around my heart stops. What the heavens hell?
"Mrs.Conway?" I say, confused as hell. "You're Vulgar?" Thats when she starts to laugh.
"Hello, Jamie. Why aren't you studying for your Chem test?" Her smile still looks sweet,but her eyes...her eyes show the most evil.
"You disgusting, LOATHESOME BITCH!" I yell aiming the colt at her. Her smile turns into a frown and takes a couple of steps forward.
"What. Are you really going to kill me. Why? Because I kill people." I continue to glare at her"
Yes. Because you kill people!" I yell as I throw my arms to my sides.
"Like it or not, I am a living thing." She says.
"Well...technically your dead. Your a vampire."
"You humans get away with so much crap. You constantly complain about us killing humans while your off killing ever other species in the planet. You humans kill chickens, and cows, goats, and turkeys, and even each other. Why is it okay for you to kill all these things but not okay for us. We need food to survive. Like you said before you killed your beloved friend, Elena, was it?" I raise the colt at her again. "I am the the human, and you are the chicken, I am going to cut your head off and sev you with rice." While she laughs, I couldn't help, but think about what she had said."The reason why humans hate us so much is because they are threatened from being the dominant species."
Jared walks in with my dad and Tommy. I look at tommy, mentally asking him where Michael was, and he shakes his head. In Jared's hand is the felicity stake. When I turn to face Vulgar, she punched me in the face. As I fall to the ground Jared runs after me, but she quickly grabs the colt and shoots Jared. My dad and Tommy are off fighting three demons. Tommy gets hit on the head by one of the demons and he knocks out. Now it's my dad agains two demons.
"JARE!" It felt as if someone has ripped my heart out of my chest. The stake rolls over and as I was about to grab it, Vulgar throws me against the wall. Her face deforms and she turns into this horrible beast. Her face is hairy like a werewolf, but she has the teeth of a vampire. Vulgar climbs on top of me and I am pinned to ground with one arm free. Right next to me is the felicity stake, and I reach for it. I kick spit in vulgars face hence making he move back, and I grab the stake, soon jabbing it into her heart. Suddenly, she starts to burn and her ashes spill all over me.
"JARED!JARED, OH MY GOD" So much blood was coming out, and I didn't know what to do. My dad comes running towards us. He looks at me with much pity in his eyes. Next thing you you know a bright white light appears and I cover my eyes and I'm on top of Jared hence covering his. A few moments later, the room clears up and Jared gets up. He is fully healed. We all are.
"How the heavens hell?" I say aloud and we all stare at eachother confusion. We walk back to our cars and drive home. Jared sleeps beside me. My dad thinks that Jared is sleeping on the couch so he just sleeps back in his room.
"What do you think saved you?" I asked Jared.
"Honestly, I think it was --an angel." He answers.
"Oh." I say. I think back to when the demon told me that my blood was special because an angel would be able to possess my body.
"Just go to sleep." Jared kisses me on the forehead and I fall asleep.I am in a white room and I here someone calling for me.
"Jamie. It is time. You must let me possess your body." The voice was deep and angelic.
"What. Who are you." I say.
"Jamie, I need you to let me in so I can save the world.
"The world" I ask.
"The world." He confirms.


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