3 + good morning

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Chris' blood was really good. Kind of like.. I dunno. Just good. Super good. He cut his hand and squeezed it shut so the blood went in a cup, but eventually he just let me bite his hand cause it was easier. He didn't mind that I drank a whole lot of his blood, which was nice. I was really sleepy afterwords, though.

He healed his hand up and wrapped an arm around me, because we were watching cartoons on the couch. He was really laid back about everything, but he seemed like the rough 'n tough type. I don't mind. I ended up falling asleep on him, because like I said, I was sleepy. Plus, falling asleep next to someone is nice.

I slept really well, snuggled up to Chris (who's still practically a stranger but who cares?) on the sofa and dreaming happy things rather than icky things involving Andy.

When I woke up, though, the thought finally dawned on me; if Andy isn't my Daddy anymore.. no one is. I'm all by myself. I don't have anywhere to go- is that a valid reason to cry? I think so.

Chris was in the kitchen, but I started crying softly when I woke up, sniffling and shaking. I can't go back to Andy, but I might have to. I can't stay and bother Chris forever- Why am I thinking about all this? Oh, god, I'm all alone!

"Ryan?" Chris said, poking his head out of the kitchen with a frown. "Why are you crying, hon?" He asked me. I sniffled and looked up at him with the sad doe eyed look. "I gotta g-go back to A-Andy."

He blinked and set whatever he was doing aside to walk out of the kitchen and over to me, sitting down next to me. "And why is that? It's always good to talk things out," He said.

I sniffled, pulling my sleeves down over my hands and hiding in my sweatshirt shyly. "I live with him an' I still have stuff there an' m'gonna haf'ta be homeless 'cause I don' wanna stay with him but I don' wanna bother you an' I don' know what else't do.." I rambled.

His expression softened a little. "Hey, hey. I wont let you be homeless. How about later today, we go over there and get your stuff? I can clean out the spare room and you'll have a roof over your head for as long as you need." He offered.

Gosh, he's sweet.. But I just can't to that to him! I'm a high maintenance little bat and I neeeeed attention. Then again, Any was never very affectionate.

"I don' wanna do that t'you.." I said miserably. Chris just shook his head a little and gently took my hand. "You wont be bothering me, if that's what you're worried about. You'd have the house to yourself for the most part; I do have to work.. But it's better than being out on the streets." He said in a gentle voice that calmed me down a whole lot. I like when people talk nice like that..

I just looked at him, unsure of whether I should agree or not. I mean.. temporary home or not, it'd be nice..

"Hey," He said, snapping me out of my trance. "How about I make you some breakfast, and we can talk about all of that when I get home from work?" He suggested.

I shifted a little to sit on my knees, sticking my lip out in a pout (it was an 'I'm thinking' pout, not a pouty pout..). After a moment or so passed, and I finally nodded a little. I guess I've gotta take a break from worrying, and besides, stress isn't healthy.. I don't think it is, anyway.

"Okay.." I said softly, twirling my hair a little and putting my hands on my knees. "Thank you for helping me out 'n stuff.. I appreciate it lots an' lots.." I stated softly, and Chris just smiled a little, saying "It's no trouble at all. I might be a demon but I'm not a douchebag," and poking me on the nose, which made me giggle. "Now," He mused as he stood up, humming. "Pancakes or French Toast?"

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