23 + bath cuddles

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A/N: alright so i was gonna write some smut in this,, buuut i don't wanna write smut hahahaha sorry-- i mean. i'll add more, so ah. yep. just wanted to update, smut or not lmao. also sorry if this chapter kinda sucks....


It was pretty early into the morning when Daddy and I were finally done playing, and damn, was I beat. Not just my ass, I mean. I'm tired, and tired equals cranky. Daddy didn't seem tired at all, and I'm sure he would have been more than willing to keep fucking me into the mattress if I wasn't obviously worn out. 

"How does a bath sound, my little brat?" He mused. For fuck's sake. Can he say anything that doesn't make me wanna get on my knees and suck his cock? Every word that comes out of his mouth is sexy. I'm not even kidding. He could say the word 'Monday'- the un-sexiest of all words, in my opinion,- and it'd still be sexy. If I wasn't tired, I'd be choking on his dick. Again. 

"Really good," I groaned, curling up on top of the blankets. A bath sounds great, if I can manage to sit there for awhile. Needless to say, my ass hurts. Lucky me, though, because I wont lie; I'm just a little bit masochistic.. so what? Sue me. 

Daddy leaned down and kissed me on the lips lightly, ruffling my hair before disappearing off down the hallway to run the bath. He came back after a few minutes, scooping me up and kissing my forehead. "So, did you learn your lesson?" He asked me, sounding a bit amused. 

I whined a bit, resting my head on his shoulder. "Maybe," I said in my sweetest voice. Daddy just smirked. "I'd be more than happy to continue enforcing the rules until you learn your lesson. What matters right now, though, is taking care of you. You might be a little brat sometimes, my dear, but that doesn't make you any less mine. You're my little bloodsucker, and I'm going to take good care of you." He told me, and I smiled sleepily. He makes me feel really safe..

"I love yew, Daddy.." I said drowsily, kissing his jaw sleepily. "Can yew sit in the bath wif me?" I said softly. I generally try to keep my vocabulary sounding-.. I dunno.. big. But, I'm too tired out to try. "My ass hurts," I added, just to push his buttons. He let me get away with that one, though. 

"Of course," He said sweetly. "And, I love you too. Very much." He hadn't bothered putting his clothes back on, so it was easy to just get in the bath with me. He let me stay in his lap, which was nice, because it didn't hurt so bad. I let my eyes slip shut, curling up in Daddy's lap. "I love yew.." I repeated. I just can't say it enough. I love him. 

"I love you too, little one." Daddy said, running his fingers through my hair, humming quietly to me. I like listening to him hum, and sing.. I don't know if he realizes how pretty his voice is. I could listen to him all day.. 

I fell asleep after a short while, content with the sound of Daddy's voice- even if it was just humming.

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