4 + feeling safe

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I held onto Chris' hand real tight as we waited on the porch for Andy to open the door. The wait was awkward, but finally, he opened the door looking grumpy as ever. He looked at me, then at Chris, with narrowed eyes. I just looked down. "I just gotta get some stuff, an' I'll leave.." I told him. Andy might be a big jerk, but he wont not let me get my stuff.

He sent a glare Chris' way, though, looking back down at me. "Who's the dude?" He snit, "And where are you staying? It's not like you have friends in the neighborhood." He said. It was no fun, but he was right. The closest friend I had lived about half an hour away, and I don't have a car or a driver's license or anything, which was why I was so lucky that Chris was gonna let me stay with him.

"He's my friend.." I spoke up, trying my best to be confident. "An' he's lettin' me stay with him.." I added nervously. Chris intervened, saying "And I'm going to help him pack his things. We wont be long, I promise." He said to Andy, who moodily stepped aside to let us in. I was quick in tugging Chris off down the hall to my room.

He was smart with saying he came to help me pack rather than saying it's because I'm a scaredy cat.

When we got to my room, I started getting clothes out of my dresser. After a moment I walked to the closet to get my big suitcase off the top shelf. I stood on my tiptoes, but I still couldn't reach it. Andy always put it up or took it down; he's tall and I'm not so tall.

I stuck my lip out in a pout, and Chris put a hand on my shoulder. "I can get that for you." He said gently, reaching up and easily getting my suitcase down. I bit my lip and looked down, my cheeks heating up with embarrassment. "Thank you.." I said shyly and pulled the case up onto my bed, opening it and starting to put my clothes in.

"Not a problem," Chris said, helping me pack up my clothes. Gosh, he's sweet. I've never met a demon that was more than just neutral, not nice but not mean. Chris is nice. But, I'm sure he could be mean if he wanted to.

He reminded me of my friend Josh- the one that lives half an hour away. Josh is nice, but if he wanted to, I guess he could be a meanie.

To be honest, I'm just happy Chris isn't a jerk. I'm happy he's nice and I have a place to stay for a little while.

The only problem now, is I'm gonna have to act like a big boy and do my own stuff. At least, until I find another Daddy. If I ever find another Daddy.. What if I never do? I don't wanna think about it..

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