26 + safe and sound

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I was babbling apologies from the moment Daddy walked through the doors. He was sopping wet from the storm outside, and he even looked like he'd been crying, which only made me feel horrible for what I did.

Sure, it might not have seemed like much, bur it was really harsh and mean.

I tried to stand up, but I ended up falling with a yelp of pain. It was lucky that Mike had been sitting next to me, because if it weren't for him and his quick reflexes, I would'a bashed my face off of the coffee table and cried like the bitch I am. He literally grabbed me when my nose was an inch from the table, and werewolf or not, that's sorta really impressive.

Daddy thanked him quietly, sounding tired. Mike just gave a nod and tugged me back onto the couch carefully, tilting his head back and looking up at the ceiling with a bored expression.

I could feel my eyes stinging and my lower lip wobbling, and I forced myself to look up through the curtain of my bangs. "Daddy-.." I sniffled, hugging myself tightly. "I'm so sorry," I blurted, making grabby hands at him rather desperately.

He wasted no time in kneeling down in front of me and wrapping his arm around me. "Shhh, it's alright.." He said softly, petting my hair. "I'm not angry. I'm not." He said, moving to sit beside me. "Come here, sweetheart," He added gently, pulling me into his lap.

I cuddled up to him, shaking like a leaf. "I'm sorry for being so bratty and awful, I just- P-Please don't go, I don't want to be all alone," I said, trying to ignore the fact I was starting to cry.

Daddy just shushed me and held me close, rubbing my back. "It's okay.. I think I can compromise with you a bit, alright? I'll bring you with me, but I obviously wont be able to take you into the meetings with me.. Can you deal with that much, little one? It's the best I can do, I'm afraid.."

I nodded quickly in agreement. It was better than being away from him entirely. "I-I can, y-yeah- that's okay-" I rambled.

Daddy pressed a soft kiss to my forehead before biting his thumb hard enough to make it bleed- a lot. "You haven't been getting enough blood, baby.." He murmured. That would explain why my emotions have been so all over the place, I guess.. He pressed his thumb to my lips lightly, and I held onto his hand, sucking on his thumb.

I forgot how good his blood tastes. It's got a different consistency than most of the blood I've had, and it has less of a coin taste and more of a.. I don't quite know. Almost like strawberry, I guess..? It's weird and difficult to explain. But the consistency, that's the best part. Human blood is thick to an extent, but demon blood is thicker. It's kinda like drinking a smoothie.

I closed my eyes, already feeling a whole lot better. Daddy seemed a lot more relaxed, too.

"I love you, sweetheart.. You know I do, right..?" He murmured. "I know.." I said softly, mumbling over his thumb. "I love you too, Daddy.. I'm sorry I was such a brat.."

I was actually genuine in apologizing for the first time in a long time. I never felt genuine apologizing to Andy; he never deserved a genuine apology. Not ever.

"It's alright, my little bloodsucker.. You're safe and sound, now.." Daddy said, humming softly to me.

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