Chapter 18

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A/N: The second and last update for today. I made this one extra long because I'm still in shock for the 10k views. Thanks again! Love all my readers!! :)

Mason's POV

-One Week Later- (Read as the Spongebob Narrator...)

"So did you kiss her?" Farkle asked, still focused on his game console.

"You realize Zay and I have been talking about this for the past hour and I answered that countless times! No, I did not kiss Riley. She is with Lucas and that wouldn't be okay for me to do." I said running my hand through my hair, which probably looked like a mess by now.

I mean that incident was like a week ago, Riley and I started texting each other constantly though. Us four (five counting Isadora) are planning to go bowling on Thursday. Three more days til Thursday, woo. Okay, that sounded really lame Mason. I am unsure as to why I'm so excited to see her again.

"Give him a break, Mason." Zay smiled, "I think it's so cute when he's in a gaming mode."

"That is true Mason, that was the best thing for you to do. And Zay, I can't concentrate when you're making me blush." Farkle laughed, turning to his right and giving Zay a quick peck.

"I'm just so confused. I've always been in love with Riley; I've always found everything about her so perfect and beautiful. But it's like in that moment, she was even beyond perfect. I thought I was over her, but now that I'm who I am, physically, she's in love with me too. Then I think back to that night and it makes me hate her. But then I think about Lucas and it breaks my heart because he doesn't realize how lucky he is to have such a sweet, innocent girl. I just hope to god that he gives her the protection and love she deserves." By this point I was beating my face with a pillow, capturing the attention of the other two boys, "Mason ahh, why are you like this?" Kept repeating that with every hit from the soft pillow.

"You're such a dork." Farkle laughed, grabbing the pillow out of my hand. "And stop hurting the pillow, what did it ever do to you?"

"Mason, if I have seen any other charismatic and loving person, that's you. I believe you're what she needs. Not to point out, Lucas has been such a prick lately. You know how Isadora and I go bowling every Thursday? She always tells me that Lucas acts like Riley is his bitch." He shrugged, "I don't know what his problem is, but he doesn't deserve a girl like Riley or a guy like Farkle. He doesn't even deserve that piece of gum stuck on my shoe from that subway station."

"His bitch?" I said sternly, raising up from my bed, "If anything, I'll make him my bitch. If that's his way of treating Riley, he's had another thing coming."


Farkle raised his phone, pausing the game, a worried expression grew across his face. "Zay, what college does Isadora go to?"

"NYU, why" he asked, taking his empty chip bag and shooting it in the garbage.

"Riley must be there, that's about 5 minutes away, we have to go now!" he yelled, grabbing his jacket.

"Wait, what's wrong? Is Riley involved?!?" I yelled back. He handed me his phone and was already out the door to get his car.

Riley: Get Isadora, my dorm, please hurry!

I look up from his phone in shock, looking over at Zay. We both had our mouths gapped open. Within 2 seconds we were sprinting out the dorm, not too far behind Farkle. It was like we all turned into stunt men with the adrenaline racing. We hardly stepped on the staircase, we found ourselves quickly jumping over the 2 floor railings to get to the dorm ground.

We quickly found Farkle's car and got in.

"Can you not drive any damn faster?!" I yelled, 2 minutes away from Riley.

"Would you like me to get pulled over and it take even longer?!!!" Farkle yelled back at me, both of us furious yet so concerned.

"Both of you just shut the fuck up!! Our main concern is Riley! Mason, quit yelling he's trying, and Farkle..." Zay said pointing at the taller boy, "It'd be great if you'd actually hit the speed limit!"

Arguing is all we seemed to do trying to get to Riley. Things were said out of anger and pure fear; please I just need her to be alright.

"This is it, go go go." Zay had us sprinting across the NYU campus to Isadora's dorm complex. It's just 9:30 pm, what could be going on?

Minutes later we were rapidly banging on door #210. Isadora opened the door, only to be pushed back by us barging in.

"Zay, Farkle, Mason? What are you guys doing here?" she asked, putting her glasses back on.

"R-r-riley. Wh-at- is he-r dorm r-r-oom?" I said, trying to catch my breath. She looked confused and gave us the why look. Farkle showed her the text and her eyes grew wide.

"Lucas." She gasped.

"What?" we all said at once.

"It might be Lucas. Riley said she was afraid he'd be mad at her meeting you and he just gets in these moods sometimes. And hits her— "she stopped and realized that she said what Riley didn't want anyone to know.

"He does what?" I pushed my way in front of the two boys.

"I said too much, Riley didn't want me to say, but it's for her own good." She began to cry.

I placed my hands on either shoulder of hers', "Isadora, what dorm room is Riley in? I promise no one will hurt her anymore."

"233" she cried, hugging me. I looked over at Zay and tilted my head towards her; he took my position as she cried. I threw my phone against the wall, watching it shatter. I felt like my blood began to boil. I became enraged. I opened her door and began to walk out.

"What are you doing?" Farkle asked me, confused.

I punched her door, creating a small hole near the center. "I'm going to kill that prick." I quickly ran out, looking for room 233 to help her.

Zay's POV

We all looked at each other with wide eyes. I have never seen Mason so angry.

"I promise we will pay for that." Farkle said, pointing at the door.

"I think he's serious. We have to go help Riley and stop Mason from hurting Lucas." I yelled with frustration and took off after him. The other two falling not too far behind.

God, let everything be okay with Riley.

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