Chapter 20

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No One's POV

Mason stood in the doorway, glaring at Lucas who was still hovered over Riley.

"What the hell man?" Lucas yelled, "We're kind of in the middle of something."

"Looks to me like Riley doesn't want you touching her." Mason spat.

Lucas removed himself from Riley and slipped on his boxers. He walked over to Mason, leaving himself about three feet away from him. Riley took the opportunity to put her shirt back on, not caring about her being in her underwear.

"And what would a dyke know about touching Riley? What are you going to do about it," Lucas raised his eyebrows, "Maya...?"

Isadora came running into the room, hugging Riley tightly.

"Oh Ranger Prick, I'll show you what a dyke can do." Mason growled. He began walking closer to Lucas, only to be grabbed in the arm by Farkle.

"Think about it." His eyebrows raised. He didn't want any trouble to happen or any more fear to be brought to Riley, but Lucas needed to get what he deserved. Mason shoved Farkle, getting his arm out of his grip.

Lucas swung first, causing Mason to dodge his fist. He was quick on his feet, Lucas was slow. Lucas caught Mason's stomach, causing Mason to fall to his knees. Mason came back up, upper cutting Lucas' jaw with his left fist. Lucas fell to the floor, losing his balance. Mason quickly hovered Lucas while he was on the ground. Lucas threw his arms over his face as he received multiple blows from Mason's fist to his head.

Everyone else in to room watch in shock as Lucas lay there defenseless. On the fifth blow, Lucas' head bounced off Riley's hardwood floor, knocking him unconscious, but that didn't stop Mason.

"You fucking prick, go to hell." Mason screamed, wrapping his hands around the unconscious Lucas' neck. Zay and Farkle ran over desperately trying to pull Mason off of Lucas.

"Mason! You have to stop, you'll kill him." Zay screamed into his ear as the two boys grabbed Mason's arms. The boys put Mason's hands to the ground, making him fall backwards, Smackle ran over.

"Calm down, calm down." Smackle said softly,

Mason lied there, both arms pinned down by Farkle and Zay, he looked at Isadora who was sitting on his stomach trying to calm him down. He looked over to the corner to see Riley crying, he looked to the other corner to see Lucas still out cold. Mason tried to catch his breath and calm himself.

"I'm going to try to wake him up, Zay, you keep him calm babe." Farkle walked over to Lucas.

"I'm calm, I'm good. I promise." Mason said calmly and they all let go of him. When Mason said he promised, everyone knew he meant it. He got up, adjusted his jacket and walked over to Riley.

"You okay?" he asked only to feel Riley's arms wrapped around him. He held her in a tight hug.

"P-please don't leave me." Riley cried into Mason's shoulder.

Mason's POV

I nearly broke into tears as I held Riley. I was frustrated beyond measure about Lucas. If I would've gotten here a couple minutes later, he would've raped her. He isn't the Mr. Perfect everyone thought he was. Mr. Matthews needs to know about this, he'll hurt him more than I ever would.

"He's awake" Farkle said, making us focusing on Lucas slowly rising up. I felt Riley go tense as he did so.

"I'll protect you." I whispered in her ear, receiving a smile as I did so. I walked over to Lucas as he slowly became conscious.

"What the fuck?" Lucas groaned. He touched his face and saw his blood come off into his hand. "You don't use weapons if you want to fight like a man."

"Me? Oh I just used these" I replied, raising my hands into the air.

Zay laughed, "Mason didn't use weapons, he just kicked your ass."

"Fair and square" Smackle added, holding her finger up, "A fair and square ass kicking indeed."

Lucas stood up, holding his head. I walked over to him and I felt Riley wrapped her arms around my stomach from behind.

"I-it was-n't fair if you're drunk." Lucas faked slurred.

"Shut the hell up." Zay laughed once more, "You know good and well that you're not intoxicated."

"You see this, Lucas?" I asked, bringing Riley to my side, her arms still around me. "This is a once in a lifetime person. The sweetest and most caring girl you'll ever meet. She's a princess and deserves to be treated that way as well. You have to be gentle and loving with this amazing girl. This is Riley Matthews, a name so memorizing that it'll give your stomach butterflies and a smile so breathtaking that it'll turn your whole day around."

"Preach." Farkle semi-yelled, throwing his hands up and praising the ceiling.

I glanced over at Riley, her face grew a shade of pink.

"You screwed up, Lucas." I said angrily.

"Please, all I see is a tranny he-she and a bitch." He spat at Riley and I.

I grabbed him by his collar and pinned him against the wall, "Well this tranny he-she just kicked your ass and would gladly do it again."

"You and your stupid LGYQ community or whatever it is called can go to hell." Lucas replied.

"Oh, so he hates gays too?" Farkle questioned, "Babe, come here."

Zay walked over to Farkle, grabbed his face and began kissing each other passionately in front of Lucas.

"Cutie alert." I laughed at the boys as I saw how angry it made Lucas.

"Now get the hell out of here." I pushed him towards the doorway, "And get some clothes on!"

Lucas grabbed his clothes and began walking out the door, as the rest of us waved a sassy goodbye towards him.

"Oh and Lucas." I said.

He turned around, clearly pissed, "What?"

"The name's Mason." I shut the door in his face.

"Thank you so much." Riley smiled, hugging me ever so tightly. As I held her in that hug, I just wanted to protect her for the rest of our lives. Then I had a quick realization.

"The key?" I asked concerned.

"Right here!" Isadora smiled, twirling it around her finger.


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