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All my friends knew about my little crush on you, and they did anything they could to make me talk to you. This one time, I actually did what they told me because they promised me money, and you know, I was broke.

"Calum, come on, are you even listening? Calum? Cal!"

Calum groaned when he felt his ear getting flicked.

"What was that for?" he whined.

"For not listening to me. Like, I know you're like practically in love with the new kid, but you can pay attention to your best friend as well," Ashton said.

"I'm not in love with him, and his name is Michael," Calum mumbled.

"Yeah okay, Michael, new kid, I don't care, you should go talk to him already."

"What? No! I can't do that!"

Michael Clifford. He had been on Calum's school for about a month now, and from the moment the Maori had laid his eyes on him, he had found the then red haired boy interesting. They had biology and English literature together, and Calum was almost failing those classes because he didn't pay attention. No, Michael was the only think he could look at, the only thing he could hear. There just was something about him.

But Calum couldn't speak to him. No, absolutely not. He was scared that he was going to piss his pants if he did so. Okay, maybe he had a little crush on Michael, but nobody needed to know that.

Well, except for Ashton and Luke. They had found out, because Calum wasn't exactly discrete with his stares. So one time, they had asked him who he was staring at, and then they had noticed Calum stared at Michael a lot. From then on, they did everything they could to make Calum talk to his crush. It never worked, though.

One time, they even pushed Calum into him, making Michael fall to the ground. He had looked up at Calum, but when the boy saw who he had bumped into, he immediately ran off, not even apologising. Calum was even more scared of talking to him since then, because he thought Michael would hate him for not helping him up.

"Calum? Hello? Lukey, do something!"

The tall blonde boy flicked Calum's ear once again, making the raven haired boy look at his two friends once again.

"So, are you going to listen now?" Luke asked him, making Calum nod.

"Thank babe," Ashton said, giving Luke a quick peck on the cheek, making his face turn a little bit red.

Yeah, they were dating. It was so cute, Calum almost puked every time he saw them together. The couple was real relationship goals, and Calum had to admit he was a little bit jealous of them.

"Okay, so what I was asking. You wanna get some ice cream after school with us?" Ashton asked.

"Damn, I really want to, but I literally have no money left. I spent the last of it on some cookies some girls sold yesterday. The cookies sucked, but the girls were so cute, I couldn't say no to them."

"Oh, cute girls you say? Did you get their numbers?" Luke smirked.

"They were seven."



It was quiet for a while, and Calum went back to staring at his crush, who was taking his tray of food to the table where he usually sat at. Calum didn't really know the people Michael hung out with, except for Alex, since he was in his gym class. He saw how Michael stood up again and walked to the vending machine.

Calum heard Luke and Ashton talking quietly to each other, before Luke cleared his throat, making Calum's head turn to his best friends.

"Okay, so you have no money, right?"

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