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Michael closed his eyes as he rested his head against the cool window. It wasn't comfortable, no, the bus moved too abruptly for it to be comfortable, and Michael got cramps in his neck, but he didn't really care.

It was late at night, and the bus was completely empty except for him and the driver. Michael couldn't wait to get home and climb into his bed. His comfortable, soft bed. His day at work had been awful.

Michael worked at a grocery store during the weekends or after school. It was nice most of the time, but today had been an absolute hell. One of the workers got sick, so Michael had to work for four more hours. Of course, they did pay him more, but after carrying around so many boxes, setting packs of food and other stuff in their right places, Michael's back hurt, and he just wanted to sleep.

He still had to sit on the bus for about thirty minutes, and then he had to walk another ten to actually get to his house, and just the thought of the walk made Michael even more tired.

He slowly opened his eyes as the bus came to a stop. This wasn't his stop yet. Michael watched as a boy with dark hair stepped on the bus. It looked like he was handsome, but Michael was too tired to keep his eyes open, so he placed his head against the window, changed the song on his phone to a better one, and closed his eyes again.

Michael thought he felt something beside him, but he quickly shook off that thought. There were more than enough empty seats, the unknown boy wouldn't sit next to him when he clearly was half asleep.

As Michael felt more movement though, he opened his eyes and blinked a few times, only to see the boy sitting next to him, a small smile on his face.

Michael looked around confusedly before looking back at the boy. Michael noticed that he was absolutely beautiful, but he couldn't focus on it for too long, otherwise the boy would notice his stare.

Michael yawned as he turned away from the boy a little bit. He felt his eyes closing again, before he felt a tap on his shoulder. He blinked his eyes open again and turned towards the boy, pulling one of his earbuds out.

"Hi," the boy said with a smile.

God, Michael thought, even his voice is cute.

"Hello," Michael smiled back. He was still a little bit creeped out because the boy sat next to him, but he seemed nice enough.

"What are you listening to?"

"Oh, um, Fall Out Boy at the moment."

"Oh, I love them!" the boy said excitedly, and Michael thought it was really cute.

"I'm Calum, by the way," the boy, Calum, said as he held his hand out.

"Michael," Michael said as he shook the boy's hand. It felt nice, and the contrast between their complexions was beautiful.

"Nice to meet you, Michael."

"Nice to meet you too, Calum," Michael said, smiling a little bit.

"So, where are you going?"

Michael was a bit sceptical about answering Calum's question. They didn't know each other, for all Michael knew, Calum could be some kind of murderer.

But at the sight of Calum's cute smile, Michael sighed and told him where he was going.

"Oh, great! I need to stop there as well."

"You live there?"

"Yeah, I visited my grandparents today, and you know how that goes. They keep you as long as they can, feeding you constantly, you know that stuff," Calum chuckled, making Michael laugh a little bit as well.

Dreams (Malum one shots)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ