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Calum wasn't happy as he walked through his neighbourhood. It was a nice Saturday afternoon, and Calum's parents had forced the boy to go out, instead of being in his room for the whole day. He had texted Ashton, but he was too busy with Luke, so he didn't have time to meet up. Calum understood, though, Luke had broken his leg when he tried skateboarding, so the blonde boy needed some help.

But that meant that Calum was alone, walking around aimlessly. His hands were buried in the pockets of his jeans as he looked at the ground. He kicked at a little pebble and sighed. Calum was bored, and he hated walking alone. Why did his parents make him do this? They knew Calum didn't like this.

The Maori looked up as he heard some voices and soft music. There were a lot of people standing in a front yard, so Calum walked a little bit closer to see what was going on.

There was a cardboard hanging on a tree, saying 'garage sale!'.

Calum shrugged as he walked over to look at some things. It's not like he had anything better to do, and maybe he would find something he'd like here.

He looked at a few books, inspected an old lamp and sat down on a very old, but very comfortable couch. As he sat there, his eyes fell on a large box.

CDs, 1 = 10 dollars, second for 8! was written on it. Calum loved music, so maybe he could look through the CDs. He stood up excitedly, walking over to the box. He immediately began searching throughout all of the music. It was clear that the owner liked a lot of different styles of music. Why he was selling such good CDs, Calum didn't know. He grabbed some that he kind of wanted to buy, looking through the rest. Calum had just gotten his allowance, and he had walked some dogs in his neighbourhood, so he had some money to buy them.

His eyes widened when he saw Green Day's American Idiot. He knew he had to buy this CD. Before he could grab it, though, another person snatched it away.

"Hey, I wanted to buy that!" Calum whined, turning to face the person who had just gotten his CD.

"That's too bad, because I got it first," the lilac haired boy said. He had a pale complexion, with eyes that had the nicest shade of green Calum had ever seen.

He was beautiful, Calum couldn't deny that, but he still wanted his CD back.

"B-but, I wanted it! I was looking through this box first! I found it first!" he pouted.

"Sorry sweetheart, that's too bad, I got the CD first, so I'm going to buy it," the pale boy shrugged, before turning around and walking away.

"Wait!" Calum exclaimed as he wrapped his hand around the other's wrist. The boy turned around again.


"What can I do to make you give it to me?"

"What's your name?" the boy asked.

"I-I'm Calum. Why?" Calum stammered. He hated to admit it, but the smirk on the other boy's face intimidated him a little bit.

"Well, Calum, you really want this CD, right?" lilac boy said, looking at the CD in his hands.

Calum nodded his head quickly.

"Okay, I'll give it to you, on one condition."

"Sure?" Calum frowned. He really wanted the CD, but he wasn't going to do anything crazy for it. He could easily buy it in any music store, but this was just cheaper.

"Give me your number and agree to go on a date with me," the other boy said quickly.

Calum's eyes widened as he processed what had just been said. The boy wanted to go on a date, with him? Calum couldn't believe it. The other boy had a smirk on his face as Calum's face got a little bit redder.

"Um, what's your name?" Calum asked, biting his lip after.

"I'm Michael. Michael Clifford."

Calum thought that Michael suited the boy well. Michael.

"Why do you want to go on a date with me?" Calum asked curiously.

"Well, you seem like you have a great music taste, and you're cute, so why not?" Michael shrugged.

Calum blushed and pondered for a moment. For all he knew, Michael could be a murderer or something. He didn't look like one, though. He seemed like a funny and chill guy, and maybe this date could be fun?

"Um, I-I guess? Sure?" Calum said quietly. He couldn't believe himself, he was going on a date with a stranger!

"What? Really?" Michael said, surprised the beautiful boy in front of him actually said yes.

"Well, yeah, I guess so," Calum shrugged. If it got him the CD and a date with a cute boy, why not?

"Okay, wow, yeah. Great! Give me your phone," Michael said, and Calum thought it was cute to see how excited he was.

Calum took his phone out of his pocket and unlocked it before giving it to Michael. He put his number in it and texted himself to make sure he had Calum's number as well.

"Here you go," Michael said, giving the phone back.

"Thanks," Calum put the phone back.

"Well, I'm gonna go now, text me your address and I'll pick you up at eight tomorrow!" Michael said, before walking off. Calum watched as he went towards the organizer of the garage sale, giving him some money.

That was when he shook his head.

"Hey, my CD!" Calum shouted as Michael walked away.

The boy turned around with a laugh, "you'll get it on the date, babe!"

And now Calum really needed to go on this date, just to get his CD.

But for some reason, he didn't mind.

Not at all.



I dreamed of a garage sale, so here you go! Little bit short and not edited, sorry :D

Also suddenly this story has over 150 reads and that makes me really really happy! Thank you all for reading this, I really appreciate it :)

Hope you liked this, and if you did, don't forget to vote/comment, I'd like that! :)

Okay bye I love you a lot

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