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Michael was quite well-known.

He was in a band that played stadiums across the globe.

Okay, so maybe Michael was famous.

Maybe he got a lot of attention from the media, girls and boys.

Michael absolutely adored all of the attention he got. He strived for it, it was what kept him alive, full of energy.

However, with all of his bandmates being in a relationship, Michael got a bit lonely sometimes. Sure, the boys were his best friends, but Luke and Ashton went on dates all the time and Sam was on the phone with his girlfriend back home all the time.

Since Michael got a lot of attention, he decided to use it. After almost every concert, he brought a boy or girl back to his hotel room, fucked them or let them fuck him, then made them leave. It was the same thing every night, and he didn't even bother to be subtle with it anymore.

The media had gotten multiple pictures of him making out with random people, and almost every week a new article appeared, talking about Michael and his flings.

The fans were starting to get annoyed. They loved the band, they loved Michael, but they were sick of his reckless behaviour. He didn't even seem to care about anything but sex anymore, which is why Michael was called by his management for a meeting during their break. Michael really didn't want to go, but he knew he had to. He loved his band, he didn't want to risk losing everything by not agreeing to meet them.

The black haired boy groaned when he got to the building. He walked inside with his sunglasses still on, and faked a smile at the receptionist, who told him the right room.

Michael walked in without bothering to knock, surprised to see a boy sitting in the room on his own. The boy turned around at the sound of someone walking in, and Michael took off his sunglasses to take a better look.

Michael bit his lip, this boy was hot. His hair was really dark and short at the sides, and from what Michael could see, his eyes were a dark brown too. He had a blue shirt on, with black skinny jeans. Michael almost groaned out loud, he just wanted the boy to take him on the desk.

"Who are you?" Michael asked, stepping closer to the mysterious boy.

"I'm Calum," the boy answered before turning away.

Michael scoffed, "aren't you going to ask who I am?"

"No, I know who you are," Calum said, not looking at the pale boy.

"That's great. Now that we know each other, we could just go for a quickie in the bathroom," Michael said, standing directly next to the boy.

"Excuse me?" Calum asked, eyes wide.

"Come on baby, I know you're feeling it as well," Michael said, taking Calum's chin in his pale hand.

"Feel what?" Calum said, pushing the boy's hand away from him.

"The sexual tension here. We can solve it, you know," Michael smirked.

The door opened, making Calum sigh in relief. Michael's management walked in and made Michael sit down next to Calum.

Evelyn, one of the people with the highest ranking, smiled.

"You guys look freaking awesome together," she said, making Michael frown.

"What's happening?" the black haired boy asked confusedly.

Evelyn sighed before turning to Michael, "we're sick of your behaviour and the fans are too. We came up with a solution. You're not going to sleep around anymore, Michael. Meet Calum, he's an upcoming actor who's going to be your boyfriend."

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