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"Mum, I'm going over to Lisa's house!" Calum shouted from downstairs.

"What, honey?" his mother asked.

"I'm going over to Lisa's! Her new step-dad and brother moved in a few days ago, so she really needs someone to vent to."

"Okay sweetie! Will you be back for dinner?"

"I don't know, I think she'll want me to stay. You don't need to cook for me."

"Okay, stay safe!"

Calum put on his jacket and got out of his house. The walk to Lisa's house wasn't very long, but it was getting quite cold.

Lisa was Calum's best friend. She had been since they were little. A lot of people thought they were a couple, but Calum was gay, so the two of them just laughed it off. Lisa had helped Calum a lot with confessing his sexuality, since Calum had struggled with it a lot. It had brought them even closer.

But Lisa's household wasn't always the best. Her real mum and dad used to fight a lot, until they finally got divorced when Lisa and Calum were thirteen years old. It had hurt Lisa a lot, and Calum helped her through it all. Now his mum had found a new lover. They had been together for a while, and now they had decided to move in together. That didn't only mean that Lisa had a new dad, but also a new brother.

Calum had never seen the man, nor the son, and he wasn't expecting a tall, buff man to open the door when he had pressed the doorbell.

"Um, hello sir, is Lisa home?"

"Who are you? Her boyfriend?" the guy asked suspiciously, raising an eyebrow.

Calum started laughing, "oh god, no. I'm not into girls, sir. I'm Calum, her best friend."

"Oh, so you're the boy she keeps talking about. Alright."

"James! Stop interrogating Calum!" a voice sounded from the hallway.

The man, James, looked over his shoulder to Lisa, who was standing there with a little frown on her face.

"Come on Cal, we'll go up to my room," she said, grabbing Calum's hand and pulling him with her.

"Nice to meet you, sir!" Calum shouted, following Lisa quickly. He knew this house perfectly, it was like his second home, but it was a bit weird to walk around there while there were people he had never seen before.

"Damn, those muscles!" Calum said as he plopped down on Lisa's bed.

"I wish he'd strangle himself with them," Lisa groaned, making Calum chuckle.

"He's that bad?"

"He's alright. Could be worse. Doesn't stop talking about healthy shit, though. Like damn, if I want to eat a gallon of ice cream and a bag of crisps in front of the TV, let me be."

"Always welcome in my house to eat."

"I'll take you up on that offer. We're four days in and I'm already sick of his food. I mean, I'm okay with vegetables, but really? No ice cream? Does he want me to suffer?"

Suddenly, music sounded throughout the house. Calum was surprised, the music was pretty good. He liked it, but he wondered where it came from.

"Another thing I'm sick of," Lisa sighed, walking over to her wall.

"Michael! Shut the hell up! I can't even hear my friend with your music!" she shouted.

"You don't have any friends!" a voice sounded from the other side of the wall, making Calum laugh.

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