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"Where is he?" the boy asked the lady behind the desk, "I need to see him!"

"I'm sorry sir, I'm afraid I can't let anybody see him at the moment. I promise to inform you as soon as I have more information, but for now, I advise you to go and sit in the waiting room," the woman said, a pitiful smile visible on her face.


"Come on mate, let's go sit with Ashton, he'll probably need some comfort as well," Luke said, putting a hand on his shoulder and pulling the tattooed boy with him.

Ashton stood up immediately at the sight of his two bandmates.

"I'm so sorry," he started crying, Luke pulling him into his arms.

"Baby, it's not your fault," the tall blonde said, giving his boyfriend a kiss on the forehead.

"B-but it is! I could've prevented it. I should've prevented it!"

"But you couldn't, now let's all sit down and just wait until the doctors give us more information, alright?" Luke said, pushing both of the boys towards the chairs lightly, the three of them sitting down. Tears were streaming down their faces.

"Ash, can you maybe tell us what happened?"

"I- We- We were out to do some shopping. Apparently somebody saw us, because from one moment to another we were surrounded by so many people. We- We tried to take pictures with everybody, but then people started pushing, and somebody shoved him, right onto the road. The car wasn't driving too fast or something, but was too close to stop, and-" Ashton started crying harder towards the end of his story, so Luke shushed him by putting his hand on his thigh and whispering reassuring words to his lover.

It felt like forever. The three tall boys sat in mostly silence, the normal sounds of a hospital being heard. People talking, nurses rolling around carts, doors opening and closing.

Suddenly, a doctor appeared in the waiting room, raising an eyebrow at the three nervous boys. He asked if they were family, to which Luke responded with a 'sort of, we're best friends, but his family is across the globe'.

The doctor told them the injuries were bad. The fall had made a crack in his skull, and the wounded boy had slipped into a coma.

"We can let people in, but only one at a time."

"You should go, you're his boyfriend," Luke said immediately, looking at the boy who was holding back his tears.

"N-no, I want to go lastly. You two have to go first," the boy answered in a weak voice.

After some debating, Luke went in first, Ashton following afterwards. Both of the boys came out with red eyes and tears on their cheeks, patting their bandmate on the back as he went in.

There he was, his boyfriend. Even with all the bruises and scratches on his face he still looked beautiful.

The boy sat down right next to him, and immediately took his lover's hands. He smiled at the difference between their complexions. He had always found it beautiful. It looked beautiful.

"Hi, love, I wanted to ask you how you were but you're not doing too well, I assume," he said, chuckling a little as tears started to well up in his eyes. He wiped them away with one of his hands, not wanting to cry.

"You look so peaceful though. Like you're sleeping. I always like to watch you when you sleep. That sounds creepy, but I know you did it too. I always love waking up next to you and falling asleep in your arms. It makes me feel safe," the boy smiled.

"It made me feel safe when we weren't together already. Remember how you used to put your arms around me when I couldn't sleep? I never told you this, but you already made my heart race back then. I loved it when we slept in the same bed.

Do you remember when you finally asked me out? We had been best friends for so long already, and Ashton and Luke had always thought we were going to become a couple once, but we never believed them. I secretly wanted it to happen, though. When you asked me out, you were so nervous, and it was the cutest thing ever. You were stuttering and couldn't find the right words, but all I knew was that I really wanted to go on a date with you, and after you said the word 'date', I immediately said yes. You were so taken aback, you had to pinch yourself to believe it.

I told you I had never went ice-skating before, so of course that's what you made me do. I hated and loved you for it. I failed horribly, but it was a great excuse to hold your hands for the whole night. The hot chocolate you bought me afterwards was a great reward, too.

I remember how you were afraid, but how you kissed me at the end of the night. It was everything I had ever dreamed of. I had been crushing on you for so long, but you didn't know. I was the happiest boy alive, and I was only seventeen back then.

Then our band really started to hit it off, and you asked me to be your boyfriend. You had bought tons of flowers and put them all over my room. My heart almost exploded at the sight. Of course I said yes, becoming your boyfriend was everything I ever wanted. Touring around the world with my three best friends, one of them being my boyfriend, life couldn't be more perfect.

I enjoy every single moment I get to be with you, and I feel blessed I have you in my life. Do you remember the proposal at the beginning of the year? God, that was so unexpected. You, Luke and Ashton had it all planned out. I didn't know a single thing about it. Having dinner on the roof of a sky scraper? Love, you are out of your mind. When I watched the sunset, you said you had to pee. I didn't suspect a thing. You came back so soon, and when I turned around, seeing you there with a ring in your hand and on one knee, I started to cry immediately. Of course I wanted to marry you. You even doubted it for a second, but god, you couldn't feel the beat of my heart whenever I saw you.

Whenever I see you, all I see is happiness. You make me so goddamn happy. You make me feel loved, you make me feel special. You make me feel all kinds of things I have never felt before. You're my best friend, you have been for so many years, and now you're my fiancé. You're my soulmate.

I can't lose you. We're so busy planning the wedding, please don't go yet. Please, please, please," the boy said, tears eventually starting to stream down his face, "I need you in my life. I can't let you go. I won't let you go."

He looked at his boyfriend with so much pain in his eyes. Losing him would mean losing his world, and he wasn't going to be able to handle it at all.

"Please don't go yet. You have given me so much, I still need to give you my all. I still need to show you so much," the boy sighed.

He wiped away his tears again.

"I am so in love with you, Calum. Always have been, always will be," Michael whispered softly but surely.

Michael looked up in surprise when Calum's heart monitor started beeping faster after his words.

After that, the beeping turned into a constant beep.

Nurses came running in, and everything around Michael got hectic.

"I'm in love with you, Calum Hood," he whispered again.

And even though he never got an answer anymore, Michael knew Calum was in love with him too.



Okay so I had a sad dream that one of my best friends was in the hospital and yeah. This happened.


Votes/comments are always appreciated, thanks for reading! I am utterly amazed about the love this story is getting!

Love you all x

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