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"Hey buddy! Oh my god, you're the cutest! Who's a good boy, yeah?" Michael said excitedly while he kneeled down and petted the dog who had just walked into the store he worked at. He was more of a cat person, but Michael loved dogs too. And this one had to be the cutest one he'd ever seen.

He frowned, dogs actually weren't allowed into the building, so how did this one get in without anybody telling it wasn't allowed?

Michael heard footsteps and saw a pair of black shoes, but he continued petting the dog and didn't look up.

"I'm really sorry sir, but dogs aren't allowed in here," he said after a few seconds.

"Oh, I didn't know, sorry," the guy mumbled.

Michael sighed, how could he possible not know? There were signs everywhere around the entrance of the building!

"There were signs, didn't you see them?"

"I didn't see anything at all."

Michael frowned and looked up, gasping when he saw a beautiful boy standing in front of him. His hair was a dark brown, and his skin was a lot darker than Michael's as well. He had a toned body as far as Michael could see, and his eyes were really light. Almost as if he was blind.

Michael looked back at the dog, back at the boy, and repeated this action a few times before standing up in shock.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I didn't know! Of course, assistance dogs are allowed! I'm so sorry, wow, I didn't see- shit, I hadn't noticed and-"

Michael's rambling stopped at the boy in front of him chuckling, "it's fine, honestly. You couldn't know, it's alright."

"Do you need anything?"

"Yeah, some ice cream and your name," the boy said, making Michael's cheeks turn a nice shade of pink. He was glad the boy couldn't see it.

"I-It's Michael," he stammered.

"Hi Michael, my name's Calum," the boy smiled, and Michael wanted to die. His smile was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.

"God," Michael groaned, making Calum frown.

"What's wrong?"

"N-nothing! Here, I'll take you over to the ice cream!" Michael said, walking away.

After walking two aisles further, he remembered Calum couldn't see where he was going. He gasped as he turned around, but he found Calum directly behind him, seeming perfectly fine.

"Are we there?" he asked.

"O-oh, um, not yet, I was just making sure you were okay."

"I'm absolutely perfect, Lily here leads the way," Calum said, petting the dog on its head a few times.

"So it's a girl?"

"Yeah," Calum smiled, "she's lovely."

"She's absolutely beautiful," Michael said.

"I know," Calum said.

Michael was confused at that statement. Calum couldn't see his dog, how would he know that?

The Maori seemed to sense the confusion, as he added a "you don't need to see to be able to tell whether someone is beautiful or not."

Michael looked at him for a moment before smiling a little bit. He didn't answer, but just lead to boy towards the ice cream.

"Come on Lil, follow the man," he heard Calum usher his dog, and the voice he used made Michael scream internally. It was too cute.

"So, what kind did you want?"

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Aug 20, 2017 ⏰

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