9 bonus - Lashton

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"I'm going to sleep, guys," Michael said while standing up. Ashton looked up from his phone, hearing Luke mumble a quick goodnight.

"Goodnight Mikey," Ashton smiled.

His smile faltered once he saw Calum standing up and walking over to the lilac-haired boy. He watched Calum give his boyfriend a quick kiss, saying something to him Ashton couldn't hear. He wasn't jealous of them, no. Well, he was, but not because of them. Because of their relationship. Why wouldn't he be? Michael and Calum were like the cutest couple ever, and Ashton didn't have a relationship, so of course he envied it.

"Ugh, stop it, you guys are too cute," Ashton heard Luke say, and he looked at the blonde boy who was sitting on the other couch.

"Shut up Luke, you're just jealous," he said, picking up the pillow next to him and throwing it at his friend.


Ashton absolutely hated the word. No, he loved friends, he just couldn't stand the word when it came to Luke. Ashton didn't want to be Luke's friend, it wasn't enough. It couldn't ever be enough. Ashton wanted more. He wanted to be Luke's boyfriend, not just friend.

"Hell yeah I am. I want a relationship like theirs!" Luke whined, making Ashton sigh softly.

"You could have one," he mumbled, praying Luke hadn't heard. He looked up from his hands to see that he hadn't, but when Ashton's eyes made contact with Calum's, the wavy haired boy knew the Maori had heard him. The sad eyes Ashton was getting said enough. He forced out a smile at Calum, he was the only one who knew about Ashton's crush. Ashton didn't want anyone else to know, anyway.

Well, maybe he wanted Luke to know, but he also didn't want to get rejected.

"I'm going to sleep as well, guys. I'm pretty tired," Calum finally said.

Luke and Ashton said goodnight and Ashton watched as Calum left them alone.

They were quiet for a while, before Luke spoke up, "I'm going to sleep too, Ash."

"Oh, yeah, okay, goodnight," Ashton said, trying not to sound disappointed.

Luke stopped walking towards the bunks and turned around.

"Are you okay?" he asked, looking at his friend.

"What? Yeah, I'm good," Ashton said.

Luke frowned and walked over to him, sitting down again.

"No you're not. What's wrong?"

"Luke, I'm fine," Ashton chuckled.

"Ash. I've known you for quite some time now, I know you're not okay. Just tell me what's wrong," Luke said, looking Ashton straight in the eye.

Ashton sighed. He knew he couldn't keep things from Luke, but he really didn't want to confess his love for the boy.

"No Luke."

"What? Why? Don't you trust me?" Luke asked, looking genuinely hurt.

Ashton almost started crying. Seeing the look on Luke's face was too much, Ashton felt really bad.

"No, of course I do! It's just- ugh," Ashton stammered.

"Just what?" Luke asked.

Ashton shook his head. He didn't want to tell Luke the truth, but he also did. What if it ruined his friendship? Luke couldn't ever feel the same about Ashton, right?

"I can't tell you."

"I thought you told me everything? I always tell you everything," Luke said, clearly disappointed in the fact that his best friend had some type of secret.

"I just can't."

"Why not? Come on Ashton, I'm your best friend! You know, best friends tell each other everything that on their minds, that's what best friends do!" Luke's voice got louder with every word he spoke.

"Well maybe I don't want to be your best friend!" Ashton shouted.

His mouth fell open when he realised what he had said. Luke's face paled, his eyes becoming sad.

"W-what do you mean? You don't want to be my best friend anymore?" he asked sadly.

Ashton groaned, this was interpreted totally wrong.

"No, Luke, that's not-"

"No, it's okay. I understand, I guess, who wants to befriend me, anyway?" Luke said, his eyes tearing up.

"Luke, you-"

"Ashton, it's okay, you don't have to explain yourself, I understand," Luke interrupted, not listening to what Ashton wanted to say.

"But Luke-"

"Ashton please, don't make this even worse."

"Luke! Listen-"

"But Ashton I underst-"

Luke was interrupted by the sound of Ashton groaning loudly and lips pressing to his. Luke's eyes widened immediately, what the hell was happening?

Ashton pulled away quickly, his eyes wide as well. Did he really just kiss his best friend? This could ruin everything. This was an absolute nightmare. Ashton was going to lose his best friend, his band, his job, everything. What had he done?

The two boys stared at each other for a while, before Luke finally shook the shock away. His eyes flickered from Ashton's eyes to his lips, and before both of the boys could comprehend what was happening, their lips were on each other again.

They moved together slowly, lovingly. Ashton's heart was beating so quickly, he thought he was going to die. He didn't know Luke had the same thing happening to him.

They pulled away after a little while, both of the boys out of breath.

"W-what was that?" Ashton stammered.

"I don't know," Luke whispered, "all I know is that my heart is beating like crazy."

The two boys were quiet for a while, before Ashton spoke up.

"I don't want to be your best friend anymore Luke. I can't. Every time I look at you I get these butterflies in my stomach and my pulse quickens and I just.. I don't want to be your best friend anymore, because I like you, Luke. A lot."

A smile grew on Luke's face, turning into a huge grin.

"That's great!" Luke said excitedly, "because damn, do I like you."

"Really?" Ashton asked, surprised.

"Really," Luke said, before pressing his lips on Ashton's again.

And this whole confessing thing didn't turn out like a nightmare, it turned out to be like a dream. And while Ashton was kissing Luke, he pinched himself, just once, just to be sure.

It wasn't a dream, it was real.



Someone asked me to do a Lashton side of the last one shot, so here it is! I don't know if this is what you wanted if you're reading this, if not, sorry.

Requests like these are always welcome! Or others, I don't mind :) I can't guarantee it'll turn out like you imagined but okay.

ALSO this story almost has 500 reads and I'm so confused!! Thank you so much for reading this story, it means a lot to me <3

So thank you once again and until the next oneshot x

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