Exchanging Body Heat In The Passenger Seat (Brendon Urie Love Story)

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"Beep, beep, beep!" I open my eyes to tiny slits and rub my eyes. "Ugh! It's so early!" I grab my phone and look at the date. "It sure did sneak up on me." I get up and shuffle to the bathroom. Today was my first day at my new school. I wasn't very nervous considering that my best friend Mike went there. I had always hung out with his friends so I know everyone is cool. I step in the shower and quickly wash up. I dry off and run to my room. I pick out a crew neck and some skinnys. I go back to the bathroom to do my makeup and brush my hair. I tease my hair a bit and put in my lip stud and ring. I go down stairs and eat a bagel. "Morning honey, are you excited?" My mom walks into the kitchen holding my baby brother, looking at me. Yes my mom and dad were separated; she got remarried and had a baby, big deal. I look at her with sarcasm in my eyes. "No mother I'll be just fine. Look I've gotta go soon so yea see you later." She kisses my cheek and sits Chris in his high chair. I walk out the door where an entire car full of guys pull up, Mike sure did know how to make and entrance. I walk up to the car and squeeze in. On the ride there it was pretty noisy with the random cd that was playing and all of them taking. I sat quietly in the front seat, not saying a word. We pull up in the parking lot as I look out the window. So many different students here, I really hope I fit in. "Calm down Alex it won't be that bad. Trust me you'll fit right in." I look at Mike with weary eyes, I hope he's right. I step out the car and look over at the door, I walk in. The students look so much cooler than last year. I bump into a really tall kid with brown hair. "Oh I'm sorry." I look up at the kid, it's Austin. "Oh hey I didn't know you went here. It’s always a pleasure seeing you."I'd known Austin since I was 5 but we weren't very close. "Oh yea today is my first day so I guess I'll be seeing you around." I wave goodbye and walk to the office. "Um I'm a new student and I need my schedule." The lady looks up at me and smiles. She hands me a schedule and sends me off on my way. I look at the schedule and see all my classes are music related. "Well that's strange. I should have at least an English class." I look at it again and see that at least I have a photography class. I walk back into the office. "Can I help you?" The lady looks at me with confused eyes. "Uh yea I don't have any of my core classes on here. Can I know what they are please?" She smiles and looks at me. "Look here, we at this school don't have core classes. We only have classes to satisfy the needs of our students. Now since we mostly offer music related classes that's all that was left." I just smile and say goodbye. A school with no core classes, I sure am in the right place! I walk to my first hour, lyric class. When I walk in I see a bunch of kids I don't know. I scan closer and see Mike in the back. "Hey there little lady, this is my "band"." He chuckles as I look at them, one is Mike's brother Vic the other 2 I have no idea. "I'm Jaime and this is Tony. And you?" I look at them, they seem pretty stand up. "I'm Alex." They look at me then at the teacher at the front of the room. "Hello class today we are not going to learn anything useful, but in fact pick on the new student. Come on down and get comfy little lady." I walk to the front of the room my pulse is racing and my ears are ringing. "H-hi I'm A-Alex. I'm 15 and I- I'm a transfer student from High." The whole room looks at me, I feel self conscious. One guy stands up. "No need to worry love, we ain't mean here. You're gonna love it here" He was a slightly taller guy with black hair and fringe. "I'm Danny by the way. Danny Worsnop." I look at him and smile. It feels nice to actually feel welcomed anywhere. "I look over the room once more, no one had any questions. That was a relief considering how much I'm shaking right now. "No further questions you guys? Well I've got a few." The teacher turns to me and goes rapid fire with questions at me. I can barely keep up, my brain fills like mush. The bell rings and I rush out the room. I didn't really care that Mike was looking for me. I really start to enjoy all my classes; I could possibly like love it here. Photography class was actually my favorite class so far, I mean I met this kid Adam. I seriously thing he is going to go crazy far after everything is set and done. Lunch was okay, I mean I didn't have any one to sit with and this kid Bryan chatted my ear off about how he wants to interview people or something like that. I just kinda tuned out and ate my sandwich my mom insisted on giving me. My afternoon classes were pretty okay, I mean if your teachers all think you have no talent and you're there for the awesome food. By this time I'm really annoyed with the way things are going for me, until I go to band class. Yea this was actually a class about starting a band apparently. When I walk into the room however, I see Mike yelling at this kid. I mean I knew Mike didn't like people, but this was a whole different type of yelling. "Whoa whoa whoa, break it up!" I walk in between the two and push Mike to a slightly farther spot. "Chill dude, what’s up with you and that guy?" He looks fuming but I wasn't letting up. "That "kid" just rubs me the wrong way okay? I mean he is just ugh!" Mike just stops talking; it’s time to stop agonizing him. I walk to a desk in the back of the class; it might help the teacher to not torment me. Before I walk to my seat the kid walks up to me. "So here we have the beast tamer, to what do I do the honor of saving my life?" He looks at me and smiles, I scoff. "You can do the honor of telling me your name and why you hate my friend?" He smiles and kisses my hand. "I am the gentleman Brendon Urie, and your friend is a giant pain to me." He looks at Mike with a smug smile. Mike looks disgusted by the entire exchange, since when was it wrong for me to make friends? I decide to sit with Brendon and a guy named Pete. I could really get use to this school. After band class I walk to my locker and look at all the kids. Just as I open my locker, a girl walks up to me. "Well you must be Alex uh. Look my name is Juliet and I really like your style. If you see me don't be afraid to say hello." She walks off soon after that, boy did it add to the wonderful ending to my day. I look over my shoulder to see Brendon talking to a couple of guys; he sends a look over his shoulder. I smile and send a little wave. "Being flirty are we?" I hear Mike come up to stand next to my locker. "No I'm not flirting I'm just being friendly something you should learn to do." He looks at me and scoffs. "And how did we become friends again ms anti-social?" I chuckle and close my locker. "Just take me home, since you're gonna be rude to your best friend." He just laughs and we walk out together. Before I walk out the door, Brendon slips a note in my hand, I smirk. Boy he was actually a huge flirt; I guess this could be fun for a little while. 

                                              Heres my number -Brendon 

I could already tell this was gonna be a fun school year. "What’s that?" Mike eyes my tiny slip of paper, I pull it away. "It’s none of your concern Mr. Fuentes. Now my mom is probably freaking out one because I said I'd be home about 10 minutes ago." He flashes his teeth and walk out the school. When I get home I walk in the door and I hear my mom sigh. "Oh Alex don't do things like that, you were suppose to be home almost 20 minutes ago." She smiles and wipes her hands on her jeans and walks back to the kitchen as I ascend the stairs. I throw my backpack on my bed and sit at my desk. I look at all the crap on the floor; I figure it’s time to clean. I begin to clear everything off my bed to take a nap, when my mom starts yelling at me to come back down stairs. "What do you want?" I shuffle into the kitchen only to see my mom and stepfather. I didn't really care for the man. "Alex, we both really want to hear about your first day at your new school. So how was it?" My stepfather sure didn't know how to fake enthusiasm; he can't even muster up a smile. "It was okay, you know just gotta find my nitch you know?' I walk to the fridge and open a water. "Can you please elaborate on that sweetie?" My mom is trying to milk every detail out of me; thankfully I knew how to get around this. "I can't go much farther than that, sorry." I start to trudge out the kitchen when I hear James yell back at me. "Young lady you didn’t answer your mother's question. Now come and give her a proper answer." I look over my shoulder, and I keep walking. I put in my headphones and listen to some music from one of my classmates. They're actually kinda good not even gonna lie. I walk into my room and sit listening to Coldplay thinking about all the fun I'm going to miss out on as always. I dig into my pocket and pull out a slip of paper; I put the number in my phone and send a message. Let’s hope he got it. I open my phone and see the reply, it makes me smile. Oh well I guess it takes too much to make me smile huh? I just laugh at myself as I put my iPod on my dock and blasting that band from school and read my book. Somehow this is more comforting that anything in the world. But what does tomorrow have in store for me? 


Okay guys so that is my new story I'm working on. Yes it is like a story based off the other one I'm writing so that should be pretty fun. I'm so excited to keep writing this one since I don't see too many of this type of love stories lol. 

Exchanging Body Heat In The Passenger Seat (Brendon Urie Love Story) (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن