Time To Dance (Chapter 2)

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*3 weeks later*

"I'm so excited for this huge concert thing this weekend. I mean even though it’s just bands from this school finally performing it’s still pretty cool.” I walk with Bryan to lunch. “Yea I guess, I mean I’ve never been to a concert. I bet it’s not like a concert though since its school in all.” I look at Bryan he starts shaking his head. “No way you’ve never been to this? I mean like Mike never brought you to it in past years?” Yea Mike was actually a huge douche about stuff like that. He’d always say that I was too soft for the kind of stuff that goes on; I was always ticked off because I mean he’s been going since we were in 8th grade. “No he said I was too soft for the whole crowd or something like that. I always feel so left out.” Bryan looks at me and hands me a ticket. “No you’re gonna go this year, and I know why.” I look at him with questionable eyes, what does he mean? “It’s the first year that Brendon as his band it gonna perform and trust me, the way he talks about you in lyric class he wants you there.” I take a bite of my sandwich, so he talks about me huh? That’s funny, real funny. “Well that’ll be cool since I’ve never seen his band perform. Are you gonna do some interviews for the school website or what?” Bryan had been talking about this night for days and I knew he was pretty good at asking questions. “You know it! Would you watch them, you know for editing purposes and stuff?” I look at him with an ‘of course’ look. “Oh that’s good, I was worried, look I gotta go see you later.” He gets up and walks away; he really was a good kid. I get up and look for Mike; I knew he wasn’t at class right now. I look outside and see him hugged up with some slut from my photo class; Melissa is her name I think. She was one of those girls that you could look at and see she was scum. I scoff and keep walking to my locker. “Well hello there little miss punk princess.” I look over my shoulder and see Brendon coming up to me. “Well hello, I heard your band is performing at the concert thing this weekend. Just so you know I’m defiantly coming so get me front row.” He laughs, and smiles that smile. Gosh that smile, I couldn’t resist it. I could always try to act cool on the outside, but on the inside he made me all kinds of mushy mess, I hate it. “Well that’s good because I was just about to invite you. So I guess I’ll see you at band class then. Tootles.”  He walks away and I exhale, why did he mess with me so much. I walk to photo class, I run into Adam while I do. “Hey Adam are you taking pictures at that band thing this weekend?” He looks up at me and smiles. “Yea I am it’s like the perfect opportunity.” I smile and walk into the classroom, man we sure do have some talented people at this school. The rest of the week was uneventful since mostly everyone was preparing for the performance this weekend and I was helping Bryan get his gear together. “Thanks a lot Alex this really means a lot to me.” I wave at Bryan as I get inside my car. Yes I did get a car, but its so god awful in color that I’m going and get the color changed like this second. I get in my car and look at my phone.         

          Can’t wait to see you tonite. I wrote a song I think you could dance to

I chuckle at the text and go to the color exchange place. I mean I was literally going to get the color changed. I walk inside the place, and I ask about my color change. I talk to the guy that’s gonna do it. “Are you sure you want that bright of a color, I mean you don’t look like the type of girl to do that.” I mean I was dressed in all black with all my piercing in so I did look somewhat weird getting that bright a color. “Yes I do sir. I want my car to be the girlish part of me.” When I get my car back I immediately fall in love. I get in my car and drive home, no one’s there so I can get dressed without any interruptions... I blast Breaking Benjamin out my dock and pick out my clothes; it’s not really hard since I wear the same thing all the time. I hop into the shower and put on my clothes. I look at my hair; it’s like a huge mess anyway. I decide to tease the mess out of it and do some extreme scene makeup. I love being dramatic anyway. I look at myself being very satisfied with myself and grab my keys. I walk out the house and I see my mom and James with Chris all of them looking at my car. “I see you all like my car; I must say I love it too.” I walk up to them and begin to unlock my car, but James grabs my wrist. “And where do you think you’re going young lady?” I look down at my wrist, I almost vomit. “First off let go of me. Second I’m going to a school function to support some friends I have. Now if you don’t mind I’m going to be late.” I pull my wrist out of his grip and step in my car. My mom runs up to the window and bangs on it. I open the passenger side. “Yes?” She looks at me with hurt running ramped in her eyes. Why is she upset? “Look young lady I do not like your attitude toward your father.” I look at her and she understands to leave. She leaves the car and lets me back out of the driveway. I see James getting upset and I laugh as Flyleaf blasts in my car. Now it’s time to really have some fun. When I get there Bryan walks up to me and gives me a press pass. “Is this really this serious? Like we seriously need press passes?” I look at Bryan, and he looks back. “So Mike really didn’t tell you anything about this did he? Well it actually a huge deal because not only bands that are going to school, but also some pretty huge bands come out that went here in previous years, it’s like a serious thing. This isn’t over till almost 2 am. It gets pretty insane.” I look at Bryan as I see Mike getting ready with his band, but he doesn’t notice me. “So how is this gonna go, so do I help you or can I still watch the show?” He gives me the run down and I go stand out in the crowd. I didn’t actually help him with the interviews and that students from our school get front row. I guess its okay; I mean most of them are performing anyway so it doesn’t matter. The bands perform and I love every single one, they all sound so amazing, especially Mike’s band. I mean who knew that Vic had such a perfect voice? By this time I’ve moshed beyond belief and anxiously waiting for Brendon’s band. He said he had a song for me to dance to, but of course I didn’t believe it. I saw him walk on stage and I look up at him. “Now the first song we’re gonna sing is written by yours truly. It’s written for a special occasion, one I think you could dance to. “Well she’s not bleeding on the ballroom floor just for the attention because that’s just ridiculously wrong.” I hear Brendon’s voice through the speaker, I begin to dance. I couldn’t love the song any more, I could dance for days. He truly did write this for me to dance didn’t he? I couldn’t help but dance their entire set, I couldn’t help it. I wanted him to sing to me forever, and not like creepy forever, but just long enough for a life time. More bands played, much more moshing occurred, and my everything was ruined. I went back stage to see Brendon, he was smiling. “Well someone enjoyed herself did she?” I just scoff and pull him in a hug. “Yea I did actually, I had like a ton of fun, especially the moshing.” He just laughs. “I’ll walk you to your car since it’s like almost 3 in the morning.” We talked about all kinds of things as we finally approached my car. “Well that is quite the bright car, I must say. I do like the color though.” I just laugh and step in my car. “Nighty night Mr. Dance Fever.” I close the door and drive home, my mom must be so mad. I had no idea how long it would be so I told her midnight, boy was I wrong. I quietly try to sneak in, but they’re both waiting for me, let the ripping begin. “Well you’re home pretty late I must say. What took so long?” I look at both of them, might as well tell the truth. “I had fun, I went to a concert since you know it’s a music school and all and we kinda ran over.” My mom throws her hands up and walks upstairs to her room, now here comes my lecture. James looks at me and shakes his head, he walks upstairs to sleep. I walk upstairs and put all my cds on my book shelf. I had so many since I bought everybody’s. I open my computer and see the Bryan sent some of the interviews. I open it up and watch it, I’m crying. I couldn’t stop laughing at just everything about it. I must say he sure can keep your interest. I reply and go to sleep, I’m so bet from today I can barely keep my eyes open. My head hits the pillow, I’m sleep.


How did you guys like that chapter? I know it was kinda boring but I promise the juicy stuff is coming I just have to kinda get things up and going. Okay till next time. 

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