Loving Every Minute Of It (Chapter 13)

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"A road trip? Where are we gonna go we're only 17." His eyes fill with the most excitement and enthusiasm; he really wants to go on a road trip. Where would we go? Both of us can barely drive, we have zero money for that type of gas, and we both like to sleep too much for overnight driving.

“Come on just think about it. The crazy cool stories that we could share when we get back, the cool trinkets that we can get at those stores, and all the freedom. I mean no parents, no teachers, no sibling, and no friends; it’ll just be us two and the big old world.” I look into his eyes; he’s so excited about this.

“I guess we could go but we have to go after the last day.” He frowns a bit but then looks really excited; what does he have under his sleeve?

“Oh this is going to be so much fun! You’re gonna love it I guarantee.” I smile and pull him in my arms to snuggle up to his chest. We’ve been through so much together as it is and I guess a break from reality wouldn’t hurt. The thought of us being alone it what scares me. I guess I'm just weird for that one, but I can’t help feeling that he’s got something planned. It seems like it’s a big deal but maybe it isn’t. I guess I’ve gotta wait and see.

*Like a time later because yea*

“Brendon, are you sure you still wanna go? I mean we could always wait if you’re not up to it.” He looks over at me with shock in his eyes, he still wants to go. Well that’s good because secretly I've been packing since that night and technically I could leave tonight. I was a little ahead of myself, but the thought of being close to him makes me smile internally forever.

“Um no I really wanna go I mean I've been packing for weeks now so technically I could leave tonight. But I can see you haven’t even started with the way you ask about it.” I begin to laugh; he’s so clueless isn’t he?

“What’s so funny? Did I say something?” I continue laughing and pull him in a hug. He’s still pretty clueless.

“Clueless fool! I’ve been ready to go for weeks now! I’m kinda bored so let’s go.” He looks down at me and smiles, oh that cute adorable smile I can’t seem to forget. I seriously can’t forget it, it haunts my sweet dreams of cotton candy and Oscar premieres. Oh I didn’t mention that I wanted to go into film so uh yea that’s what’s up with me.

“Okay we can leave tonight. You just have to promise not to be a chicken and walk back in the house when I pick you up in three hours.” I smile a big smile and snuggle into his chest; he smells so good and he’s really soft.

“So can you like let me go so I can like leave and stuff?” I squeeze him tighter, I don’t want him to leave, but he has to so I let go and frown.

“Don’t worry I’ll be back in like an hour with my stuff and snacks. Don’t worry you can hold me as tight as you want when we get there.” I smile a little disappointed smile and walk him to the door. His hands are kinda sweaty. Is he as nervous about this as I am?

“Well I’ll see you in a few.” He awkwardly waves at me as he gets in his car; I shut the door and scream.

“AHHHHHHH! Why are you so cute?” I don’t even know why he still makes me nervous I mean we’ve been dating for a year now and I knew almost everything about him; yet he still makes me nervous when I kiss him and I'm still nervous when we stay alone. I’m still scared to touch him first and hold his hand in public. I’m still nervous to tell my dad about us and he hasn’t even met my mom yet. His kisses still make me shiver and his cuddles make everything better. What is happening to me? I use to be so tough and cold, hating the world and everyone in it. But now; well now I don’t hate everyone, I don’t go out just to point out people’s flaws, I actually like living now and breathing and talking and laughing and having friends. What changed in those months to make me so happy is Brendon and I kinda hate him for it, but I love him 10x more for it too.

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