Intermission (Chapter 7)

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Chapter 7

I feel pain coursing through my body and the smell of hospital incasing me. I didn't know what happened to me, why am I here? Wait who am I, what's going on? "Hello Alex. I’m your doctor." A tall man carrying a clipboard came in, he must be a doctor. "Who's Alex? Why am I here?" The doctors face slumped, most unpleasant. I heard a ruckus outside and footsteps running to the room."ALEX!!!!" A guy with slightly floppy hair came running into the room hugging me tight. He leans down and kissed me, it was pleasant but who was he? "Excuse me but I don't think you're suppose to kiss strangers." He pulls away and his eyes begin to water, his mouth opens. "She lost her memory? She lost her memory!" He stops and leaves the room; I think he was going to cry. "Okay so I guess you've got amnesia so I guess you've gotta get it back. So I'm going to send you home so you can get it back." He's not a very good doctor but I get up to change anyway. A man walks in; he holds some clothes and a really nice pair of shoes. "Hi. Um I'm your dad and I'm going to take you home. Your mom is not aware of this, let's keep it that way." I look at him confused, aren't I going to see her when I go home. He sees my face. "Oh! No no no! Your mom and I are separated, divorced. Last month you came to live with me." I feel relieved; I think I might hate my mom. It felt like a gut feeling. I went in the tiny bathroom to change; as I came out my shirt I felt something on my skin. I look at myself in the mirror, cuts on my upper arms. I quickly come out of my pants, cuts on my thighs, some fresh some old. I look in the mirror and begin to cry. What made me so depressed to do this to myself? I slid down the door and sob into the hospital gown; do I really want my memory back? I slowly get myself together and dress, I try to cover the scars. When I open the door I see my dad and the guy from earlier. I slip back in the bathroom with the door cracked, I listen. "Look Brendon we both have no idea where she is emotionally. Brendon they found cuts on her upper arms and thigh, they were self inflicted." I saw which was apparently Brendon cover his mouth. "What do you mean? Where is she?" He looks around the room and sees me looking in the crack. He runs to the door and barge in. He carefully rolls up my sleeve and sees the cuts. "Why didn't you tell me?" He pulls me into a hug. "I'll ask you again when you get your memory back." He walks away, my shirt sleeve damp with his tears. I walk out of the bathroom and quickly exit the room; I just want to get my memory back, because Brendon sure is hot. Oh wait he might be my brother, but he wouldn't kiss his sister like that. Well maybe, I just hate not knowing who I am. As we pull up to the house, no think clicks. I'm still identity less with no memories. My dad walks me to my room, nothing clicks yet. I frustratedly sit on my bed and go through old texts on my phone. I sure do talk to Brendon a lot and why is his name Brenny Bunnie? I also see I have a lot of messages between a guy Mikey Bear? But I think I'm dating Brendon, so what? I get up and look through the cd collection, a lot of random CDs that I don't know. I go in the bathroom and find my blades, I flush them. I don't really know what else to do. I walk downstairs, I hear my dad frantically telling someone something. "Yes she did but this is a sensitive time. Don't rush anything okay?" I walk into the kitchen and see a very tall guy talking to my dad. "Oh hi Alex. What's up?" The stranger said, at leader they're friendly. He holds his hand out and I shook it. He just pulls me into a hug; a piece of memory comes to me. "You’re Mike! We're best friends and we go to high school together!" He shakes his head in approval. "Yes! Do you know how we met?" I begin to rack my brain for answers, spewing out things that all made sense. "That's all I have. I'm sorry." He smiles. "You did alright today kiddo. You don't need to remember anything else your brain is probably sore now." He smiles and hands me a grape juice. I don't know why grape juice but I drink it anyway. I sit on the sun porch and look at the backyard. Today was a normal breezy night but I couldn't shake a feeling of uneasiness. I guess it was just my feelings getting the best of me. I go inside and climb the stairs to my room; I sit on my bed and look at the pictures on the wall. Old pictures of me and Mike, my dad and I think my mom and finally me and Brendon being all coupley and stuff. I set my head on my pillow and drift to sleep. 

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