This Was A Therapeutic Chain Of Events (Chapter 3)

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1 month later*

"You know people are still taking about your performance at the concert. I mean who couldn’t; it was the most they danced the entire night." I say to Brendon as his face is in my fridge looking for something. I didn't give him permission but he was a regular guest at my house. "Sure just drink my liquids and eat my food. Like I won't get hungry later, and want a muffin." He rolls his eyes and walks up to me, his eyes being all sly. "Don't do that. It's making me feel weird." Truthfully it was making me feel weird, but weird like warm in my tummy. I wasn't gonna tell him that. "What? What am I doing that makes you feel so weird?" I just smile and push him, he pretends to fall back. "Oh wow I'm so frightened by your shove." He says sarcastically as he eats my last muffin. "You know I like muffins. I really like them." He looks down at the muffin and breaks it in half, "Here you big baby. I'm tired of you and you muffins." He looks at me as I smile into my half, I could never tell him how I really feel. "We'll Brendon sir; I have to leave soon because well I have other engagements this evening. However you are welcome to anything in the fridge." He looks at me as I walk to the door, "Oh no you’re not leaving me with house duty. You're staying here." I turn around and sigh. "Sure I can bring the whole gang here for a movie huh?" Before I could finish my sentence Brendon is on the phone, he pops the last of his muffin in his mouth. I watch his lips, I want to kiss em. "We'll I'm thinking pizza yes?" "Sure, just none of that fancy sauce like last time." I look in the cabinet for a good movie; it's hard considering all I really like is cheesy 80's movies. "No we cannot watch the breakfast club. Choose a funny one." His voice sails across the living room as the door bell rings, Mike. "Hey Mike what it do?" I open the door, he looks upset. I close the door behind me and look at Mike. "Tree house now." The tree house was a place where we had always went in a time of true conversation. It was almost like the safe haven, nothing left the tree house. "What's troubling you? Is everything alright?" He looks like he's seen a ghost. "No I, I just had a fight with Melissa. I mean it's like I don't know what makes her happy." Maybe an hour or so pass before we leave the tree house. "Thanks a lot Alex I really needed that. Do you mind if I stay for a couple of hours?" I think about what's happening tonight. The whole crew, all of em. "Sure unless you don't want to deal with all the 'dance preps' as you call them. I mean you could just go sleep either way is fine." Mike really appears to be doing his thinking. "I'll take sleep for 300 please." I scoff and pull him in a hug, it's been a while. I walk back in the house to see Brendon sitting on the couch looking frantic. Pete going into the pizza box for who know what number slice and everyone else glued to the screen. "We'll I'm off to sleep. Wake me up when the lame train has left." Mike walks up the stairs; he's not going to come down anytime soon. I walk over to the couch and sit with Brendon. "What're we watching?" "Shh!" I guess they really like the movie. "We'll their actually watching the performances from the concert. They just gave them to us along with our midterm grade." I made a face and get up to the pizza boxes. "How many?" Pete looks up and smiles. "I lost count." I scoff and grab a slice. Never the wrong time for a slice of pizza. I grab two more and head up the stairs. I know Mike hasn't eaten; he always does that when he gets upset. I open the door to my room; he's snuggled very tight in my bed. "Here Eat this." He grabs the plate and looks at it. "Thanks I'm so hungry." He takes a bite and looks at me. "Do you mind staying with me; I mean I guess I don't wanna be alone." I sigh and sit down on the bed. "Okay I know you’re still upset, but there's something you didn't tell me." He looks at my hand and puts it between his, a normal gesture. In 8th grade we would always hold hands to mess with people's head. "Look. Promise that no matter what happens that we will always be friends. I just feel like I'm losing you. I mean you've been with Brendon and stuff lately and I mean I feel like I'm always out with the guys." I look in his eyes, he's being genuine. "I promise you will always be my best friend no matter what happens. If you feel so bad that you miss me, trust me I'm just a phone call away, how about we go out for those crazy Walmart runs we did with Vic." His eyes perk up and he looks up. "You really mean it?" Before I can respond I hear the door open, our hands still locked. "Am I interrupting something?" I can hear the irritation in his voice; Brendon was a tad over protective. "No, were just headed to Walmart, now we've gotta get running." I get up and walk to the door, Mike pushing past him. It really irritated me that they can't get along regardless of what I feel. I feel Brendon's hand link around my wrist. I turn around too quick and my lips connect with his cheek. "Look Brendon you weren't my friend first. You of all people should understand the bond of a friendship." I pull my wrist and go down the steps; I think a need a breath. "Man that kid rubs me the wrong way. I swear I don't see how you could hang out with him." I just scoff and open my door, Mike is standing in the driveway staring at my car. "You have a problem?" He looks up and starts laughing. "So this is your car! Oh my, I've always said this is a bright car, but now that it’s yours...." He can barely speak he's almost on the ground in laughter. "Come on grandma I have to get some yarn for my crafts." Mike looks up and me and laughs harder. "Oh and now I'm the grandma!" I get in and turn the car and attempt to drive away, Mike gets the hint. "Well excuse me, what’s grinding your gears, or lack of I should say." I smack his arm; I just don't like to think about my whole lack of a love life. "I mean seriously a girl as pretty as you can't even get felt up, not a single guy you're interested in? I mean I would totally do it, but we took the pact and stuff." Back in 8th grade we made the pact to not ever date, it was partly because we actually really don't like each other that way. "I don't want you. I want someone else but I'm so afraid to ruin it. You know?" He looks at me and smirks, "You like that creep don't you? Oh I totally called it!" He yells as he pulls out his phone. "Oh hush. I mean I'm going to wait a couple of months until I feel 100% about it." 'Okay so heres how it’s really gonna go. Alex is going to be a huge tease and flirt with the guy. I mean it will never be friend zone, but it will never be boyfriend status either. He will legit stay there for almost a year, and then he is going to want something more. You're gonna put him off till the next day." Mike looks at me; I can't really say anything considering that is how it’s probably gonna happen. I did that to someone else, they were quickly friend zoned it was totally fun seeing his reaction. "The only difference to that kid is that Brendon is actually flirting back, and has captured your heart how touching *vomit noise*." Mike knew me almost too well, I never minded though. "Okay sir, we are here, who's ready for the biggest mischief." When we get in the store we get a cart, Mike immediately climbs in and sits in it. "Let’s go to the food section.' We bought so many snacks and useless stuff, its lucky we even had enough money. "Off to my house!" I drive as Mike hangs out the sun roof singing obscene rap lyrics. "Come on before I get pulled over by the cops." When we get to my house I see they've left a huge mess, but Brendon is sitting on the couch watching hoarders. "Hey pumpkin muffin, did you get anything?" Mike does a gag motion and creeps up the stairs. I walk over to Brendon, "just some useless junk." He pulls me closer, I breathe in his scent. I just hate that I'm such a wuss! An hour or so later Brendon leaves so I go upstairs. "I'm back, let’s get the party started." We partied long into the night blasting music and eating chips, he crashed on the floor. I wake up and realize its Monday. "Oh crap, Mike get up!" I toss a shoe down at Mike, he groans and gets up. "Come on I'll drive you." "No it’s not worth it lets just watch movies all day." So we did exactly that watch movies until my parents did finally come home from vacation, they did take my baby brother and not me but I didn't really care. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at school learning?" We both look at each other and laugh our school and learning? "Why are you laughing it’s not funny." We both wipe our eyes and look at them. "Learning? Oh actual learning is total lie. We don't actually learn at my school." My mom just rolls her eyes and goes upstairs. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. 

                            Masquerade Saturday All Student. Bring a mask it’s gonna be wild-Danny

Oh my gosh, what did he have up his sleeve? 


Okay that was chapter 3! I know it’s actually about to get interesting per say because well I finally get to write a romantic scene. I still have a whole lot of months to go through and I don't want to skip too far ahead. Okay author out! 

Exchanging Body Heat In The Passenger Seat (Brendon Urie Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now