Boys Will Be Boys Baby (Chapter 5)

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*An extreme Time Later*
"I really like your new haircut, very stylish." I smile into Brendon's chest, his hands on my small of my back. I kiss his cheek, his hand moves up my back. Okay so I have a lot of explaining to do don't I? Well I have to tell you a few things that have happened during this last couple of months, but I don't feel like it, so just enjoy the moment. "No, we don't touch my back!" I always get so nervous when he touches me that way, I just don't know why. He steps back his face looks hurt, I ignore it. "Come on we have to go to class." Well I'll explain one thing, me and Brendon decided one day that maybe this could work out. I mean it's not really official but it's really nothing else. I guess it just felt kinda right when I'm with him, but I'm still confused as hell. We separate when we reach the most populated hallway. We decided not to be public, because everyone already knew sorta. He walks to his locker and I walk to class. It was my last class of the day and I was very tired. It felt like an eternity before it ended. I shuffle to my locker, go to my car and drive home. The moment I touch my bed, I'm gone. When I wake up I hear that my family is back. I sit up and check my phone.
3 Missed Calls, 1 Message
Ugh, I'm too just getting up for all this. I shuffle down the steps to get a snack, my mom's in the kitchen. I ignore her and look for my grape juice, my mom hadn't spoken to me in weeks. I actually really don't know what made her vow silence against me. I look for some carrots. "Why?" I hear my mom's voice croak, she's been crying. "Can you repeat that?" I look at her, she's been crying hard. "Why did you have to scare me like that, is it my fault?" I guess she was referring to my stunt where I went to New York with Brendon for a week. "No I was supporting a friend, I had to be there." She just looks with a fake smile. "Sometimes I wonder if she's still in there, I wish I could see her sometime." She walks out the kitchen, crying again. Man she was a dramatic soul. I munch on carrots and apple juice till I hear the front door slam, crap he's home. I hear his footsteps walking slowly to the kitchen. I'd been avoiding him since I came back. I back up into the cupboard and wait until I hear the steps go away. They didn't go away; they came closer and closer till they stopped. I saw the door slowly opening, but it wasn't my stepdad. It was my real dad. I almost scream, I hadn't seen him in a while. The last time he said that the next time I see him he would be taking me permanently. I hadn't seen him in 3 years. "Well kiddo we gotta get going the movers should be there any minute. Oh I'm sorry I'm moving into town and I hate breaking promises." I feel my eyes watering; I pull him in a hug. I couldn't help but cry, I loved my father so much more than my mom. He was on my wave length, he understood a lot of the things I did. I run as fast as I could upstairs I grab all that I can, it's not enough. "Don't worry we'll get the rest tomorrow." I stuff all my clothes into a suitcase and rush downstairs. I hop into my little car and follow my dad. I guess I should do some explaining. When my parents got a divorce of course I was shattered. I was 8 when they separated and I prayed everyday they would make up. When they did split I wanted to go with my dad. I have always cared for my dad more but my mom refused. She always kept everything about him from me; it was painful not knowing how he's doing. I pull up to a beautiful 3 story house; I can barely keep for gasping. "The room highest up is yours." Before I could even grab my stuff I dash up to the room upstairs. My room is beautiful, I feel like a kid again. I look around and laugh, he kept his promise. I feel my phone vibrates in my pocket, what's ruining this perfect moment.
Party @ Jacks 10pm
Great, I guess I should go; Jack is a friend of mine. I take my room in once more; I think it could wait a little longer for me. I walk down the stairs and to the kitchen. "Hey kiddo got any plans tonight?" Plans, my mom hasn't asked that question in months. "There's a party tonight at somebody's house. I think I might go." I reach in the fridge and grab some grapes. "You should go it's would be tons of fun. I went to plenty when I was your age, got plenty of memories too." I laugh, my dad loved stories. "Oh yea and there always more fun when your wasted." I look up but he's already walking away. Did my dad just encourage me to drink? I grab a handful of grapes and walk around until it's time for me to go. I change into something that is not sweaty and typical white girlish and into my 'emo princess' attire. I close the door and go outside to my car and drive to Brendon's. Brendon wasn't going to go unless he knew I was he'd been that way since about 6 months ago. Sometimes it was annoying when I was trying to be flirty, but now it's not a problem. I pull up, he's already outside. "Let's go have some fun!" He holds my hand as we drive out. It wasn't a very long ride, considering Brendon sang to me the whole time. We pull up and see the party in full swing. I grab a drink and head outside to find Mike, but he's plastered himself on some slut; big surprise. I find Brendon again and hang out with him, looks like he's not gonna drink tonight. I take another sip and stand. I feel Brendon's fingers lace in mine and pull me away, oh no. He pulls me into the stairwell to the basement and locks the door. "I heard they were playing truth or dare down here so I figured that be fun." I laugh; letting out a small breath, thank goodness. He takes me down the stairs with a group of people; it looks like a game in already in play. "Just in time my loves the next round is about to being." We sit down and wait, the dares are kinda lame and the truths are dull. "Okay the next round has to be more interesting, or else I'm shutting this down." I scoff, how could truth or dare get more interesting? "Okay since I started it I pick...." I zone out I don't care anymore. I still sit down there since Brendon wanted to. By the time he wants to leave I'm 6 drinks in and buzzed as ever. I feel his fingers in mine, I smile. I have all kinds of ideas swimming in my head, but I can't think straight. I guess I should just sit down, but I have better ideas. I pull Brendon into a dark room and push him against the wall; I feel the question in his actions. I kiss his neck and lips sloppily; I could tell he was questioning my actions. I just smile and pull him closer, begging for him to touch me. He refused and pushed me away. He took me all the way outside and sat me on the grass. He didn't come back till it was time to go, I didn't care. I just wanted to go home and sleep. Brendon drove to his house and carried me upstairs to his room. "Are okay to stand? Hold tight I'm gonna get a change clothes for you." I sat down on the bed and waited, I wasn't that drunk anyway. He came back with one of his shirts and a pair of shorts. "It's the best I can do, you're gonna have to sleep here tonight." I don't object and crawl under the covers, he just stands around. "Well aren't you sleepy? Come here." I hold out my arms and wait for him to come to bed. "Fine, you're too cute to resist." He lies down and I snuggle up to his chest, it feels natural. I slowly drift to sleep, in his arms. When I wake up, he's gone and the sinful scent of bacon hits my noise. I creep out the room, careful not to run into one of his family. I sneak down the stairs and see Brendon cooking bacon singing Frank Sinatra. I creep up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist. "Morinin' love." I mumble in his back, I feel him relax. "Oh no wait no you can't be down here, what if my parents come in, they might think..." Before he could finish in came in his mom and dad, both in shock. "Well um are we interrupting something?" They both looked pissed off and we both look guilty. I step away, "I'm sorry for ruining your morning; I just spent the night because I was too intoxicated to drive home and I didn't have anything to sleep in so he offered his clothes to me. So if you're mad at anyone be mad at me." They both look at each other, "She's a keeper." They sit down and open the paper, just like that. "Well Brenny Bunnie it's been fun hanging out but I've gotta get going." I kiss his cheek; he grabs my wrist, "Keep the clothes." I smile and run to the stairs. I grab my clothes and change; he sure does have a nice smell.


Okay so how did you guys like this chapter? I know it was a little weird but I thought it was cute.

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