Honesty and Timebreaker

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It was just one of the nights when i was watching over the city on top of the Eiffel tower.

"Anna. Did you find the man?"

"Hmph. Not yet. But he must be here."

"Still want revenge huh?"

"I won't kill that man. I just want him to get caught by the police already. He's a slippy criminal. I..."

"You don't want other people to experience what you experienced huh?"


"What are you doing at this time of the night, princess?"


I slowly turned and saw a pair of familiar neon green eyes. I let out a sigh.

"Don't scare me like that,Chat!"

"Sorry sorry" he sat beside me.

"So. You stalking me or something?"

"I just came out for some fresh air. Then i saw you. It must be fate"

"Pfft. Fate huh"

"There's no patrol for us tonight. Why are you here?"



He dropped the nickname. He's serious.

"...I'm looking for a criminal."


"...the one who killed my parents" his eyes widened

"Ah. I'm sorry."

"No, its okay. He...how can i say this...when i was a child, i knew that the work of my parents were important. They kept so many secrets. And then, one day, that criminal attacked us. He killed my parents. And..."


"This necklace is the most important thing mom gave me. She said it will guide me."

"What do you intend to do once you catch that criminal?"

"I'm going to turn him in to the police. I won't hurt him. No matter how much i want to, i won't. Its not right. That slippy criminal is a famous one. I will do whatever it takes to catch him"

He suddenly held my hand.


"I know how much you want to catch that criminal, but remember...always be careful princess. You never know, he might use something that can ACTUALLY hurt you."

"Chat, I'll be fine"

"I know. But if something happens to you, i don't know what I'll do."

I smiled "if i ever need help, i know where to go"


My necklace started beating.

"Well, that's my cue to leave."

I gave him a small kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks for cheering me up Chat. See ya"

I had my wings appear and flew away.

~(Chat/Adrien's POV)~

Flame suddenly kissed me on the cheek.

"Thanks for cheering me up,Chat. See ya. You're one of the few persons whom i told this about."

All i could do, was stare at her, holding my cheek as she flew off.

W-wha...what was that....ugh! No! I like Anna! But Flame is...ughh!!!

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