Accidental Visit and Rogercop mania

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It was just another night wherein i was searching of the killer using my dragon eyes.

I ran from building to building, scanning the streets or the buildings.

And then, i stopped by Adrien's windowside.

I wonder if he's sleeping well?...

I looked through the window upside down. Only to get my nose hit by the window.


"Hu-ah! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry" Adrien panicked.

I sat on the edge of the window and rubbed my nose.

"Its fine, its fine"

"Flame..what are you doing here?.."


"I-I was just patrolling and i...i slipped when i was on top of your house's roof!"

His eyes widened "oh."

I suck at lying to my friends.

"Your nose is reddening. We should put some ice on that"

"Oh there's no need. This is nothing"

He grabbed my hand "please. Its my fault that you're hurt"

....what is this?! Why is my heart beating so fast for Adrien?! I thought...i thought the one that made my heart beat fast is Chat!

Stupid heart!

"O-okay..." He pulled me into his room and made me sit on his bed.

He left his room and entered his bathroom. I let my eyes scan the room.

Wow...his room has..a really boyish feeling...well that's a given since he's a that picture...the woman with blonde hair...isn't that Adrien's mom??

I walked up to it.

She's really pretty...i wonder what happened to her...

"That's my mom."

"Holy cow!" I exclaimed.

I turned and saw Adrien holding a moist towel.

"I'm sorry, i didn't mean to..."

He smiled and ushered me to his bed. he gave me the towel as we sat down.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."


"So...sorry for asking sounded so sad when i heard you say that that woman is your mother"

I know that Adrien' mom is gone...but i don't know why...or how..

"My mom disappeared. I don't know why, but...she just did."

"Oh..i'm really sorry for asking"

"Its okay. I mean i know a person who has experienced something worse"


"Yeah. Both of her parents are gone. I just hope that she's doing fine. Now that she has a lot of people surrounding her"

"Is that so. Hehe. You sound like you really care about them"

He let out a sigh and smiled "you have no idea. She's really special to me." he has someone he likes already...i hope its marinette.


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