Mr. Pigeon

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I was running to class (because Blaze woke me up late). When i entered the classroom i saw that Nathanael and Nino was absent.

Nathanael messaged me that he has to take care of his mom that caught a fever so...that's solved...but how about Nino?

I saw Adrien, Alya and Mari waving at me. I waved back with a smile.

"Morning Adrien, is this seat taken?" I asked

"Morning. And nope. Nino's not here. Feel free to take it"

"Cool, thanks!"

I sat down and greeted my friends. When the teacher came, me and Adrien listened in.

Only to know that there is to be a competition for the next photoshoot of Adrien and mine.

"Did you know about this?" I asked him

"I forgot to inform you"

"Oh." I shrugged

I could join the competition, but i'd rather give it to Marinette. She likes Adrien after all.

Maybe i should help her...

When break time came, i knew Mari needed my help because....well, she's practically panicking about it.

"What do i do?! A bowler hat?! I don't know how to do that!"

"Haha, calm down girl"

"Alya's right,Mari. Here, let me see your designs"

She handed me her sketchbook and i browsed it.

"Wow, neat designs" i commented


While browsing, Adrien's face appeared next to mine.

"Wow, nice drawings Anna"

"Holy cow!" I yelled. Marinette stumbled back.

"Oops, sorry"

"Its fine. And this is not mine,Adrien. Its Marinette's"

"Cool, she has a chance on winning then"

I swear I could see Marinette blushing. Hahahaha.

When Adrien left, i turned to Marinette.

"See? Even Adrien says so"

"Kyaaa~~~ i have a chance!"

"Hahahaha. Here, i have an idea"

I quickly drew a design i thought of. A hat that would definitely suit Adrien.

"There. Does that look good?"

"Heck yeah! Thanks for the suggestion! Now I'll just go to my secret place of inspiration. Bye!"

Marinette ran off.

"You know, you could enter the competition" Alya said

"Nah, the modelling part is more than enough of a job"

"True...lets go home"


When i got home, i started doing my assignments and finished it in a jiffy.

"Hey Blaze, lets go eat in the balcony"


While eating, i practically spouted the milk i was drinking. Why? Because a group of flying pigeons were carrying a policeman!

"Akuma attack!"

"Anna, lets transform!"

"Right! Blaze, wings out!"

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