The Evillustrator (part 2)

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~(Chat's/Adrien's POV)~

I just came back from my house, and went to Anna's. I went up to her balcony and saw that the doors are open.

I entered her room and saw her sitting on her chair. In front of her are 2 ribbons. A orange colored one and a purple colored one.

"Hm...which one would he like...the purple one?...or the orange one?...urgh...this is hard!!!"

Is that...a present for Nathanael? ...there it is again. That irritating feeling.

"I'll just go with purple" she said as she tied the ribbon on the present

When she finished, i spoke.

"You know, you should really learn how to lock your doors,my lady"


She fell off the chair. She brushed her hair off her face and smiled when she saw me.

"Oh, hey Chat"

"Are you ready?"

"Oh wait. I gotta change clothes." she said and went to the bathroom.

I decided to look around her room. She has a computer, a sewing machine, 2 gigantic bookshelves, a medium bookshelves full of movies, games and music.

I noticed that she also has a recording set.

Wow...she has a lot of hobbies...she models, sings, acts, reads, draw, cook,play sports and play music.

I looked at her bookshelves. Most of it are books and mangas. And then half of the second bookshelf, contains magazines.

Magazines of dad. Where i have my pictures in...

I also noticed a picture frame. It was her as a kid with her parents. I felt myself smile.

I'm glad that she's still strong and optimistic...even if her past is very tragic...

"I'm ready!" I heard her say

I turned around and saw her wearing a black crop hoodie shirt top that says 'Nonsense' and a pair of white jeans. Her shoes is a pair of combat boots. She had a white sling bag on. And her hair is fixed in a fishtail braid.

All in all. She looks..cute. Adrien side is acting up again...

"How do i look?"she asked

....why is she so beautiful?

"What's with that look?? i look weird?..i knew i should ha-"

"N-no! You're beautiful!"

I just wish i was the one she's going on a date with.

She looked at me wide eyed. I then noticed what i said and blushed.

"I-I mean...y-you look beautiful, my lady."

This time, she was the one who blushed. Pffft! She looks like a strawberry!


I then carried her bridal style. She let out a squeak.

"W-what are you doing?!"

"This way,we'll get there faster" i winked

"W-wait. The door..."

"I already locked it, my lady"

"Oh...okay then"

I went out of her room and got to their roof.

"Are you scared of heights, my lady?"

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