The Evillustrator-Nathaniel(part 1)

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I was just listening to the teacher--okay,maybe i wasn't listening to her lecture. Who can blame me? I already know physics.

All i was doing was...oh my god. What the hell am i doing?! Why am i drawing Chat Noir and doodling Adrien's name in my secret diary?!!!

I mentally groaned. Something is definitely wrong with me. There is NO way I am falling for two guys at once!!

"NATHANIEL!" I flinched at the teacher's sudden loud voice.

I looked to the side and saw the teacher holding a piece of paper from Nathaniel's sketchpad.

"Doodling this useless stuff again! This is exactly why you are failing science class! Go to the principal's office and show him those chicken scratches!"

Nathaniel scrambled for his things and stuffed then in his sketchpad.

"Nathanie-" before i could finish my sentence, he stood up and left in a haste.

Only to trip on Marinette's bag and his drawings got scattered. I saw Chloe take a piece of paper and started laughing.

~Adrien's POV~

"Ahahaha! Aww!! Its him as a superhero~ and look who he's saving, its Anna! Oh Anna. He's totally crushing on you!"

W-what?...Nathaniel likes Anna?...

"Give it back!" Nathaniel grabbed the paper and left the room

I looked at Anna who was staring at Nathaniel out the window--with worry plastered on her face

...i should feel sorry because Nathaniel got humiliated...but why do i feel annoyed instead?...annoyed about the fact that...she looks at him like that?...

~Joanna's POV~

Poor Nathaniel...i hope he's okay...

After class, i went to the library to read some books when i saw Chloe walking up to me

"Oh look, the geek model"

"Oh look, the walking yellow monster" i shot back

"Are you really after Adrien? Because everytime i see him, you're there"

"Okay first, we're not always together, second,i am not after Adrien. And third, will you please find a new hobby? You making Marinette's and my life miserable is too mainstream"

"Excuse moi?!"

"You need to pass? Oh wait, your ego is too big. You can't fit"

"Why you--!"

I grinned at her "the next time you bully me, make sure you'll actually WIN"

She scoffed at me only to...face a giant hairdryer?!

"Kya!! No! No! No! Not my hair! Not my hair!!"

I hid behind a bookshelf and called Blaze out.

"Blaze,lets transform!"


"Wings out!!"

After transforming into Flame, i pulled out my double swords and started chasing the hairdryer.

Then, as if on cue, my sword, a metal stick and a black string destroyed the hairdryer.

"Hey Buggy, hey kitty" i greeted


"Looks like your in a hairy situation,princess" Chat winked

"Hahaha, i know right?"

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