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First day of my first year of high school. Here we go. I blow out a huge breath, pretending that all my anxiety I have right now is going into the air, far away from me as possible.

"Ariel, it'll be fine," Leah says to me.

"It's just so nerve racking," I sigh.

"Ari, when you're at a loss for words sometimes singing is the best way to get your message across."

So we look at each other and she slightly tilts her head as if to say, yup that song. And together, we burst out into random song, as if we're in some musical, hopefully Broadway as their casting is the absolute b-e-s-t. 

"You've got a friend in me
You've got a friend in me
When the road looks rough ahead
And you're miles and miles
From your nice warm bed
You just remember what your old pal said
Boy, you've got a friend in me
Yeah, you've got a friend in me"

"Woah," I knock into someone, distracted as we were singing, probably looking drunk but honestly, I couldn't give a bigger shit.

"Hey! Watch where you're going," a voice exclaims as I'm knocked haphazardly, my books spilling across the floor on my way to my locker.

"Well I'm sorry for having a little fun," I snap at him, angry that my books are spread across the hallway.

He quirks his eyebrow up at this, and turning to his friend goes, "You've ruined me."

"Alfonso, I haven't ruined you, I've . . . Made you better. It's like how games and phones get upgrades."

"Shawn," Alfonso gives him a blank stare.

Shawn, seeming to not know what to do shouts, "ONLY $1.99 IT'S A BARGAIN GET A MOODY ALFONSO FOR ONLY HALF OFF HIS ORIGINAL PRICE."

Leah and I exchange glances as we watch girls actually bidding on Alfonso.

"How about you pretty lady, may be the beginning of the year, but school dances come and go!"

I start to walk away, Leah following me, but I get only a couple steps away as his voice calls me.

"How about you pretty lady,  I was talking to you. How much would you pay for this nerd?"

Alfonso starts to protest, but before he can, Shawn just puts his index finger over Alfonso's lips, effectively shushing him.

"I so ship this," someone whispers behind me.

A small shriek comes out of my mouth before they turn me around, "Kayla?"

"That's my name," she states, causing  me to laugh, as I roll my eyes.

Shawn speaks up again, clearing his throat, "Babe," he pouts, feigning hurt to Alfonso, "why don't you love me?!"

"We're not a thing," Alfonso rolls his eyes.

"Are you- breaking up with me?"

Shawn gasps dramatically wiping away stray 'tears', as if he's some stuck up bitch from a cheesy, cliche romance novel.

I stifle a laugh.


Shawn calls out to Leah and I, "You never gave me an actual response."

I feel a teasing grin tug at the corners of my mouth, "no, I wouldn't pay anything for such a jerk."

I roll my eyes muttering, "let's go Leah."

I gather my books with Leah, hurrying, as I feel the excruciating glances from fellow students, causing my cheeks to feel hot to the touch. But one gaze in particular puts my body afire.

I pause, and I hear it, as if the wind, or perhaps the universe is giving me a sign that we were meant to be. And I hear it.

"Alfonso," it whispers to me, clinging to my skin as if that's where it belongs. And I feel as if I'm in a daze as I walk to class. Bumping into classmates passing by.

The bell rings.



"Yeah, it's me, we've gotta get to class hurry!"

I hurry to my first class, history, out of breath, I pant leaning against the door frame right as the bell rings.

I walk to my seat as calm as I can, as my eyes meet the familiar eyes of his like a whisper in the wind.

And I see him mouth something to me, I barely catch it but it's there. Three words causing a small shudder to crawl down my spine. Three words that will change my life. . . Forever.

"Just you wait, Ariel, just you wait."

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