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"Let's go inside to meet our doom."

Yep that's right. He freaking tricked me. Me were standing directly outside of the office. Can't help it. He's attractive. I notice attractive people.

"After you."

I step through the doorway.

"Mr. Morales, Miss Dubin, glad you could finally make it."

"I'm sorry Miss Rupert, Alfonso held us back a little. . ."

I turn around to glare at him, "say sorry to our lovely secretary, Alfonso."

"I'm sorry for holding us back," he huffs, annoyed, crossing his arms.

"Well I'm sorry, but Mr. - ah -Dickles found both of your behaviors disrespectful towards not only him, but his class. So, Ariel and Alfonso you're both suspended."

"What! No- please I'll do anything-"

"I'm sorry Miss Dubin, but you have earned yourself a suspension along with Mr. Morales."

"Yes, Miss Rupert," I murmur silently cursing Alfonso, tilting my head sideways so he can see me narrowing my eyes at him.

"You're dismissed, you may go home after a parent or guardian signs you out. Until then, you're stuck here. No electronics, you may do homework but you may not take out your phone."


"How did you get yourself suspended?"

TWO hours later  my dad questions me on this. I nervously fiddle with the ends of my hair, studying the ends of my hair as if it's the most important thing in the world.



"How exactly did you get suspended?"

"Um," I debate in telling him the truth, but I did owe it to Alfonso, he was protecting me I suppose, "I was talking during class."

It's the half the truth, I mean that's not entirely a lie is it?

"Also, Dad?"

"What is it?"

"My history teacher is kinda a perv, he almost touched me. . ."

I watch as my father's face turns from neutral to one calling to kill whoever stands in his way.

"What's. His. Name."

I look at the steering wheel and his hands are turning white from gripping it.

"Mr. Dickles. I think I should just switch classes."

"Dad, it's okay," I look at him, a small smile gracing my lips, trying to show him, I'm alright.

"Ariel," he basically molested you, "you're only fourteen!!"

"Dad, you know how I was talking to someone and got suspended?"


"Well, his name is Alfonso, and I think he was trying to protect me. . ."

"What do you mean?"

"He pulled me down with him, I wasn't in trouble before, but he came outside when he noticed that Mr. Dickles had me outside for a rather long time. He told Mr. Dickles I laughed, at Alfonso's joke, I think he was trying to protect me in his own weird sort of way. . ."

"Wow, when can I meet him?"

I didn't notice, but we'd already pulled up to our driveway and a very familiar boy was standing on the steps to our front porch.

"Sooner than you might think," I murmured, my eyes glued to the front porch.


"Now, Dad, you may actually be able to meet him right now."

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