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I turned my phone off for the rest of the week, unable to look it, due to reminders of Scarlet. Seeing her messages, all reminders of her. They were all imprinted in my mind.

Every word we've ever said to each other, every laugh we shared, every soft smile playing on our lips, every inside joke, and every loving glance we've sent our phones as we read the loving words that one said to the other.

Each and every word.

Jerkfonso: So the principal sent out a wide range email asking who vandalized the property at the back of the school... I do wonder who it could possibly be ;))

Elle: Oh god... Do you think they'll find out?

Jerkfonso: They have no way of finding out, those cameras are busted, I've snuck back into school all the time with some friends :p

Elle: You voluntarily went to school?

I snort, quirking an eyebrow at the screen.

Jerkfonso: It depends on what I'm going to be doing at school and who's there

Elle: So... Who would you go with to school, voluntarily?

Jerkfonso: You.

Elle: Wait­­–– Really?

Jerkfonso: Yes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

There's a moment pause while it seems as if we're just absorbing each other's presence –– if you can even do that over text?

Jerkfonso: Meet me by The Bush.

Five minutes later, I have everything I need and I'm ready to meet Alfonso by The Bush.

I walk up to him as he's leaning against a tree, frowning at his phone. My brow furrows in concern as I assess his body language.

"Who were you talking to?"

"No one, it's nothing."

"Well, if you say so..."

"For now," he replies, smiling over at me, "let's take a stroll."

"You put that rather eloquently."

"Why thank you," he smiles down at me, but I see something else in his expression, something that looked like love perhaps?


His chocolate brown eyes were staring at me, cautiously, as if he's predicting my every move. They weren't critiquing, they just seemed cautious. Something Alfonso wasn't often...

"E-El- "

I quirked my eyebrow up as he continues stuttering.


"Do you­­––"

"You gonna say something bro?"

He looks shell shocked as I blurted that out, as we're taking our daily walk through our neighborhood. The Florida heat beat down our backs, sweat causing our clothes to stick to our skin.

"What were you trying to say?"

"Elle, I like you."

"I like you too?"

I say in confusion, unsure of where he's trying to take this conversation.

"What are you trying to say?"

He sighs, reaching over to me, he grabs my wrist and I turn towards him. Blue to brown. Brown to blue.

"Ariel," he says seriously, not our usual bantering going on back and forth.

"Will you do me a favor of a lifetime and..."

He stutters, looking down nervously, and biting his lip.


I question him, almost impatient for him to spit it out.

"Oh fuck it," I mutter under my breath.

"Alfonso, since you're too much of chicken, no I'll let you be upgraded, you're too much of a turkey to come out and say it, Alfonso Morales, will you go out with me?"

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