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The crosswalk finally signals to me, we can cross. I want to run across the street, and throw myself into her, so glad that this is her and she's real. She isn't a crusty old man like I feared. She's here across the street. I speed walk across the street, walking as fast as I can and soon I walk faster and faster, until I can't hold myself back anymore. I fling myself into her arms, by this point Kenidi has detached herself and is standing next to Scarlet's dad. I feel Scarlet stumble backwards with my weight, not quite expecting me to run into her and she regains her balance hugging me tightly back.

"There's some moments you know you'll remember forever," she breathes, "this is one of them."

"Ah, that's the quote you wanted to say..."

"Yeah," she smiles over at Kenidi reassuringly as she turns back to me. "You like the reference I slipped in there?"

"Yeah— I would appreciate it more if it were a riarkle reference though."

"I'll try to remember that next time..."

"Scarlet... there won't be a next time..."

"What! I'm never gonna see you again?"

She wails, catching the attention of a few people passing by us as they look strangely at us.

"We're gonna see each other again, stop being such a worrywart," I stifle a laugh, rolling my eyes.

"You scared me," she smacks my shoulder, sighing in relief.

"Let's document this, I never want to forget this day."


I pull my phone out of my small shoulder bag and flip the camera, so it's facing us and first I decide to take some pictures, so we pose and the shutter clicks, a picture was taken.

"Now the video," I look over, our family's are still conversing and when I look over back at her I meet Scarlet's eyes, and they're twinkling, smiling.

"Hi we're meeting in person," I look into the camera and notice that my hands are quivering with shock or excitement, I'm guessing.

"It's still being processed," Scarlet says and when I turn the phone more towards her she scrunches her nose up, giggling and turns away from it. However, after a few seconds, she turns her head to look back at the camera again.

We then, exchange our notes and I see Scarlet dig in her pocket for something.. 'What's in her pocket,' I ask myself.

That's when I see it— a piece of string perhaps?

"This is for you," Scarlet mumbles quietly, twisting her ring around her finger nervously... "I hope you like it..."

She hands it to me and I turn it over, examining it, "I love it."

"I was afraid you wouldn't," she murmurs.

"I love you and this was made with your love and care, so yes, of course I'll love it Scarlet."

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