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"Can you keep a secret?"

I ask him, my heart beat pounding in my ears as I discretely try to turn towards him a little more in my seat.

"Yeah," he replies looking at me curiously.

I let out a breath, "that's my internet best friend, Scarlet, we've never met in person."

"That's pretty cool," he says.

Not a second later, Mr. Dickles says, "Mr. Morales, Ms. Dubin detention after school today, come see me after class."

He proceeded talk my ear off, "How'd you meet your friend online? Do you think you'll ever actually meet her?"

"Mr. Morales," Mr. Dickles says sharply, "would you like to make that a suspension?"

Alfonso just looks up at him gives him a bright grin and flips him off. I cover my mouth with my hand stifling a laugh thinking to myself, I really like this kid.

"I don't know Sir," he mocks Mr. Dickles.

"Alfonso go the office."

Alfonso doesn't move an inch.


"This isn't fair he whines, Ariel was talking too and she even laughed when I flipped you off."

"Is this true Miss Dubin?"

"Y-Yes sir," I reply, inclining my head towards him slightly.

"Okay, both of you to the office."

"NO! Babe!!!"

I look back and see Shawn as he falls dramatically to the ground as I gather my bags and begrudgingly walk out the door the last thing I hear is Mr. Dickles chastising Shawn for his love affair and Shawn arguing back.

"Why did you have to throw me under the bus," I hiss at Alfonso once we get into the hallway. "You didn't throw me under the bus mister, you fucking reversed and changed gears a million times."

We walk in silence for a moment before Alfonso seems to collect his thoughts.

"I couldn't let you face that creep alone, Ariel."


Was I hearing this correctly?! Did Alfonso care for me? Or is this just one of his mood swings.

"Well he's sorta acting like a pedophile. I'd like to think I saved you from your doom."

A small smile dances upon his lips, teasingly as if asking to come closer. And I hesitate before stepping closer.

"Come on, I don't bite."

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