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Flash forwards a few weeks and we're back at school. Alfonso and I have merged our friend groups together. I've never felt more happy or confident with my friends than I am now. Scarlet and I are better than we've ever been. Sadly, both of us are sick today. I decided to go old fashioned and dm her on our group chat with all of our instagram accounts... We have way too many. But, recently, Scarlet has been telling this girl, Amanda practically everything about me. And she won't listen to me, I don't know how to make her listen because she seems so enthralled with her. I want her to snap out of it and come back. Come back to me. I checked my phone for the hundredth time, to see if I had another message from Scarlet, more words of argument, anger, and malice.

The most shiny objects, are often the oldest, undermined and disregarded, if you shine them, they'll show their true form and their former beauty.

S: Why are you saying this?

Imagining the expression as heart break takes over her face chokes me up. I'm sorry, Scarlet, but you're not listening to me.

A: You're not listening to me!! Scarlet, I don't know anything about Amanda, she knows more about me than I know about her.

S: Well, I'm sorry for wanting to share this with you.

The sharpness is evident in her "tone" and I withdraw my fingers slightly from my phone screen, it feels as if she's shocked me. I decide not to respond for now. . . I slept through the entire day and right when I woke up, I replied to her, at 10:30 my time, 7:30 hers. I knew she would most likely be up, as this is her definition of "sleeping in".

A: Well, I guess this is goodbye then.

S: See you on the flip side, princess.

The memory of when I read that from her book makes me smile sourly at the screen. And so I too, quote.

A: Stay golden, pony boy. 

I love you, Scarlet. I have a sickening feeling to my stomach as I exit out of Instagram and close the app, rolling onto my side I just stare blankly at the wall, feeling emotionless as I feel my eyes start to close and I finally succumb to sleep.


Scarlet's POV

That just happened. I'm not sure what that is per-say, but I sure as hell know one thing, it's not good. And I think I just had my first friend break up. Officially.

I sit emotionless.

I'm not sure how to react. I wish I never kept my phone. I'm an idiot. My clogged mind tries to process what happens. Ugh.. sick brain. I wish I could turn back time. I flashback, remembering what just happened. With a heavy heart, I stalk all of her accounts. Both of her fan, her random accounts, her personal. And I put down my phone. All I see in my mind when I think of depression is red and black blurred together, overlapping one another. I hope she's okay. And even though she can't hear me, I hope she knows how much I love her.

I love her most.

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