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Alfonso's face contorts as I jump onto his back for a free piggyback ride.

"You literally jumped me, like you jumped onto my back."

"Where were you going with that? Where are we going?"


We continue walking, well he does, I'm still hanging off of his back like a personal barnacle. I start to get impatient so I interrupt him again, "Do you know where we're going?"

"Not really," he admits, "I don't wanna disappoint you."

"Alfonso, you could never disappoint me, I—"


"Alfonso, Jerkfonso, I— I think I'm falling in love with you."


"Yeah," I reply, my voice sounding much breathier than usual.

"I'm falling in love with you too."

Before he even stops speaking, I crash my lips against his, and I feel something bloom inside of me. It's something so different, unique, and special. It's so strong that I feel as if I'm knocked off my feet. So, when we break apart, he finally decides to ask me in his own nerdy way.

"Hey so um... would you like... wanna hang y'know outside of that school thing?"

"Alfonso we already do that," I reply a teasing glint igniting in my eyes as they sparkle, taunting him.

"I mean... not in the neighborhood... like at a... place?"

"Alfonso, are you trying to ask me out?"

I nearly 'aw' inside as he's so nervous, but his breath is also husky from the lack of breath making him have a 'sexy man' feeling in the moment. 


I glare at him for a few seconds in attempt to freak him out. I try my hardest to force back a smile, but I couldn't take it anymore. I giggle and softly respond, "Well that's adorable. Pick me up at seven tomorrow."

"Thank you, Elle."

I tilt my chin upwards to look at him and I'm greeted with his kind, warm eyes. When they meet mine, I feel as if I'm home. Although his version of asking me out wasn't as cliché as he would've liked, it was perfect for me.

"That was different than I imagined," Kayla says, making me remember that our friend group witnessed the entire exchange that occurred between the two of us.

"Girl, what are you talking about?! That was adorable. My little Alfo is growing up," he sniffs wiping away actual stray tears.

"Dude, you are one odd duckling," Leah snorts, rolling her eyes.

"Leah, be nice," Alice admonishes her, before looking back at the two of us, "you two are perfect for one another, I'm happy for you Ari."

"Thank you," I respond, unable to wipe the silly smile off my face.

"Guys, I think I'm going to walk Elle home, I need to talk to her about something."

"Okay," everyone but Alice responds, she walks to him, grabbing the front of his shirt and says, "don't break her heart, if you do, I'll break you"


He grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers together as he leads me away from our friends back to my house, walking together.

"Elle, what happened with your Crusty Old Man?"

"Uh- she – I- we had an argument..."

"What happened?"

"She kept telling this girl I don't even know about me."

"And so are you still mad at her?"

"Well... no... not really."

He pauses, as if lost in thought, "Do you miss her? Do you miss your talks? Do you still love her?"

My lower lip starts to tremble as tears well in my eyes, "I miss her and our talks so much. Alfonso, I love her so so much. I need her. I need Scarlet."

"You seemed off... I knew something was up..."

"Thank you Alfonso," tears spill down my cheeks and I whisper once more, "Thank you."

He reaches his hand up to wipe away my tearswith his thumb and I lean into his touch, smiling slightly, because I knowwe're okay and I'm going to be okay. I was going to be okay. As I walked intomy house, waving him a regretful goodbye, I take my phone out of my phone,opened a contact that I haven't seen in a long time. I sent a message readingone word: hi.

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