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Name: Ezrik Cerberus
Nickname: (none)
Age: 16 (400yrs old)
Birthday: March 7th
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Status: Alive (was sealed away)

Hair color: White
Eye color: Changes depending on the element that he uses (e.g Fire/ red)
Height: 5'4
Blood Type: O
Body type: Lean but muscular

Personality: Calm, Cooperative, Courteous, Fun- Loving, Playful, Protective
Good Habits: cuddle, listen to something, talking to friends
Bad Habits: Laziness, can get confused sometimes.
Likes: Reading, training, Cinnamon pretzel.
Dislikes: being lazy, doing work
Hobbies: Reading, Training, Origami,

Type of magic: Caster(Dragon slayer) (Ark of Dragons)

Type/element: All (each element will be unlocked as the story goes. Has only five right now)

Guild Rank: Mage
Guild Mark Location: Right Shoulder
Guild: Fairy Tail

Parents: None
Best Friends: Natsu, Erza
Friends: Gray, Lucy, Mirajane, Levi, Erza, Cana, Rouge,
Rivals: Natsu, Rouge, Sting
Crush: Erza, Mirajane

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