Chapter 2 - Fairy Tail pt.1

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Ezrik yawned as he woke up from his short nap. He streched himself before getting up groggily. He looked around, seeing the fire that he made, a few minutes from dying, and the fish that he ate, missing, possibly taken by scavengers. He shrugged, not caring about it at all.

Now that he knows that he is in a differant timeline, its time to start over again, and the first thing that he needs, is clothes; new clothes, since he is in nothing but bandages and war-torn pants. With that in mind, he got up from the ground as he headed off in a random direction.


A few minuted later, Ezrik arrived on top of a hill, overlooking a nearby large town.

"W-wow" said Ezrik, surprise at the size of the town "And the towns back at my days don't get bigger than that"

Back during his time, large towns, were half the size of the town he is seeing right now, and they don't get any larger than that.

With a new destination in mind, he began to head towards the towm itself.


Ezrik looked around in amasement at the differant buildings and architecture as he walked down one of the streets of Magnolia. To say that he was impressed with the architect of this era, it differs that that of his time, and not just the architect but the kind of technology here as well, Really, alot has changed since his time has passed. Oh, and if your wondering why people aren't looking at hin weird due to his state of clothing is because of the fact that he cast a simple illusion spell that would help hide the state of himself.

He continued to walk down the street, looking left to right for any kind of cloth shop, until finally he came across one. Silently cheering to himself at his sucess, he entered the shop.


"Ahh, welcome, how may I help you?" The shopkeeper said, as Ezrik entered his store.

"Ahh, nothing much, just want to try some clothes on if ya don't mind"

"Whatever suits you best"


Ezrik thanked the shopkeeper as he took some clothes from a nearby clothes rack before heading off inside a clothes booth to change.

An hout later of picking and changing clothes.

An hour later, after trying out differant clothes, he had finally picked out what to wear. For his choice of attire, he had decided to settle with a sleeveless red shirt with a dragon symbol on it, dark green Cargo pants and red and green shoes. He also gonna buy a pair of pyjamas, a differant set of clothes and other essentials that he needs.

"I'll buy this, this and this" Ezrik placed the objects of his choosing onto the counter.

"And, that'll be 135.00 Jewels"

"Ummm, listen, I have no jewels" Ezrik began "But, would this suffice?" He reached into his 'pocket' and took out a diamond.

"I-is that...?" Began the shopkeeper

"Yep, a piece of actual diamond" Ezrik gave it to the shopkeeper for him to analyse.

"Holy god, its an actual diamond!"

"Yep! And its all yours if you let me have these clothes here"


Ezrik smiled as he shook the had of the shopkeeper. With that done, he left the shop, his new set of clothes in a shopping bag.


"Ok, now what?" Ezrik asked to hinself as he walked down a street. Noe that hr has bought himself clothes, and is now wearing actual clothes, now he needs to find himself a place to sleep. Problem is that he had jist given that shopkeeper his only piece of income, and now he can't even afford a place to stay. Ezrik was so lost in thought that he did not watch where he was going, and because of that accidently bumped into someone.

"Ouch..." muttered Ezrik, clutching his head in pain.

"Oh my! I'm sorry sir, I didn't see you there!"

"Its... ok" Ezrik said, getting up from the ground. He looked up to see whoever had bumped into him, said person is a slim young woman of below average height, with a curvy, voluptuous body, white flowing hair and large blue eyes. She wore a red and pink dress with pink ribbons. Ezrik looked at the white haired girl in front of him. To say that she looks beautiful and pretty.

"Sorry about that, I wasn't watching where I was going, thats all". Ezrik rubbed the back of his head in embarrasment

"Oh its ok!" Said the beauty in front of him "it happens to all of us sometimes"

Ezrik nodded

"So, whats a pretty lady like you doing all alone here?"

"Oh, are you hitting on me~?" She asked him with a smile

"Maybe" Answered Ezrik, a smile on his face "But you didn't answer my question"

"I was walking back to my guild"

"A guild?"

"Yeah, a mages guild. I'm apart of a Mage guild called Fairy Tail" she showed him her guildmark "You've might have heard of us right"

"Yeah" Ezrik lied "I was heading over there myself"

"Oh really!?" She asked him in surprise

"Yeah, I.. sorta have nowhere to go, and I need a place to crash in for a while. Would your guild help me with that?"

The girl smiled happily as she nodded

"Of course we would. We look after each other like family and be happy to help, umm..."

"Ezrik. Ezrik Cerberus"

"Nice to meet you Ezrik. You can call me Mira"


Don't forget to comment on what you think of the story so far.

And dont forget to have a look at my new story Fate/Anomaly.

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