Chapter 14 - Ezrik vs Jose Pt.2

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Few minutes later




Ezrik dodged another one of Jose's Shades as the magicaly created soldiers tried to phase through Ezrik in order to drain him of his magic and wear him out completely. He duck under another one before aiming a Fiery finger and fired a small fireball at the Shade, destroying it. He fired upon another one before jumping up to dodge one that tried to sneak up behind him. Ezrik aimed his other finger at it and fired a fireball at it, destroying that one as well.

Jose watched as Ezrik took care of the remaining Shades. To say that he was impressed, but not too impressed enough.

"You have done well, Dragon Slayer" Jose commented with a smirk "To be able to stand up against an assault like that is quite the feat"

"Spare me the bullshit! Jose!" Ezrik shouted at the Phantom Lord Master. A shade tried to once again sneak up on him, only to be grabbed by Ezrik and to Jose's surprise, Ezrik consumed the shadow. "If thats all you got, the I am disappointed, and here I thought that you were gonna be a challenge"

Jose smirk widened

"I'm afraid thats not all that I've got. That was mearily a taste of whats to come"

"Disappointing" Ezrik replied "And here I thought you were about to kill me there and now"

"Of course I was, but just being angry, and killing you with just a flick of one of my spells, isn't going to be entertainment for me No, I'm am going to crush you, slowly and painfully, I am going to break you completely, before I Kill you and that will be entertaining for me"

Ezrik stiffened at what Jose said in his rant.

Break you.




"Don't worry, Ezrik~ my love, Im gonna break you!~ And make you love me forever and ever~!"

"You just don't learn~ I'm going to have to break you even more!~"

"Why do you have to resist? If you just give it wouldn't have to hurt that much, otherwise we would just have to break you even more~!"

Flashback ends

Ezrik, for the first time in many years shook in fear. For thr first time in a long time, memories of Pain and Suffering came rushing back to him. He wanted to clutch his head in pain at the reminder, but he had to steel himself, and not look weak before this man's eyes. It would just distract him, and give Jose an edge.

"Oh yeah!" Ezrik shouted, gritting his teeth. "You wanna break me! I'll take more than that to break me!"

Jose chuckled darkly "Oh we shall see".


Erza, still in her Flame Empress armor, was slashing her sword in the air and sending multiple fiery waves at the countless phantom Shades that were attacking them. All the Fairy Tail wizards were growing weaker and tired, but they still continued to fight.

"Geez, these things just keep coming," Cana said as she threw out a few cards on the ground underneath a group of phantoms. Suddenly, bright light shone out from the cards and immediately destroyed the Shade creations.

"Indeed," Erza replied. "I'll change into a stronger suit of armor. Perhaps I can take a load of stress off of everyone-"

Suddenly, the bright scarlet haired girl froze in midsentence. Her eyes widened whilst an expression of alarm was cast on her face. At that moment, she had felt an eerie, deathly feeling seep into her body. It made her absolutely sick. In response, Erza fell to a knee, clutching her stomach in pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2017 ⏰

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