Chapter 5 - Draco Caestus, Armageddon

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"Here you go Ezrik!" Said Mira as she finished stamping on Ezrik's shoulder his new Fairy Tail mark symbol, which is Silver in colour. 

"Thanks Mira" said Erik, looking at his new guild mark.

"Why your welcome" said Mira with a smile. 

"Hey guys, what you think?" Ezrik asked Lucy, Natsu and Happy as he showed them his mark.

"Nice choice of colour!" Said Lucy

"Aye!" Said Happy agreeing

"Whatever, Ezwik" responded Natsu, as he ate his food.

"It's Ezrik!" Exclaimed Ezrik, not happy that his name was mis-said.

"Don't mind Flame brain" spoke Gray, as he walked up to them "He's an Idiot".

"Just who are you calling Idiot, Ice Princess!"

"What you say Flame-brain!" Shouted Gray as he clashed heads with Natsu's

"You know exactly what I said!"

"Are they always like this?" Ezrik asked Lucy who sighed

"You have no Idea" Lucy responded

Ezrik nodded, not wanting to know anymore about it decided to go on about and talk to the other members of the guild. During this, he met and talked with a whole lot of people like Elfman, who was Mira's brother, Cana, Levi, Alzack, Bisca, Wacabe, Droy, Jet, Loke and other Guild members of the Guild. He also learnt many things from them, Like Loke being a Womanizer, and Cana known for drinking soo much Alchohol that somehow shes still standing. It bewildered him to think that much Beer and not even be fazed by its effects

"So how is your day going along, Ezrik" said Makarov as he walked over to Ezrik, who was now sitting at a separate table, enjoying some food.

"Its gone fine Master, Crazy bunch aren't they" Ezrik said, as he turned his attention back to Natsu and Gray, who were fighting with each other "And a bit extreme dont ya think?"

"Its something getting used to"

Ezrik nodded in response

"Say Master, is it ok I'll be leaving the guild for a few days, I need to go get something off an associate of mine"

Makarov nodded

"Of course"

Ezrik nodded as he sipped his drink.

A few days later, a few miles near Veronica

When he said that he was going to meet with an associate of his, he wasnt actually gone to meet up with someone.

He lied. He wasn't. He had gone here to get something of his; a pair of Dragon shape Gauntlets that can allow him to channel his magic through them. Draco Ceastus. His actually Draco Ceastus, cause the ones that he used against Natsu, were actually Phonies! They weren't made of Adamantium and steel, they were made of regular Iron.

His actual ones, were a gift from his father, for his 13th birthday, and since then, he had been racking up kills with them.

Ezrik continued climbing and scaling up the rocky side of a rocky cliffside, till he reached the top of the cliffside. On the top of the cliffside, which was facing a nearby forest was a small stone monument, which tally and line markings on it, said Tally and line markings are actually a kind language written by ancient Clans during 400 years ago. It says...

Here lies Ezrik Cerberus, son of Ultima, Dragon slayer of Fire

Ezrik rolled his eyes. What a shitty way of sending him off into the afterlife. Whoever wrote that last one, he's gonna slap the fuck outta them. He walked up to the Monument that marked his grave. He stared at it for a minute before suddenly smashed his entire arm into the pillar of rock.

He then pulled out his arm, and in his hands, a silvery black Gauntlet with a Dragon's head on it. He smashed his other hand inside the monument, taking out another Dragon shaped Gauntlet.
In his hands, are his signature weapon; Draco Ceastus. Grinning madly, he summoned out his phony ones before throwing them away. He then put on his actual Gauntlets. He tested out the mouth to see if it still moving after all this time and channeling magic into it to see if it still can. He smiled. So much memories.

He then looked at the Monument again, before plunging his hand once more into it and this time, pulled out a sword. The sword had a wierd shape for a blade, and had a Dragon's head as the guard. This, was his sword; Armageddon, a weapon that he also used during the war

Ezrio did a few practice swings with it before channeling his fire magic into the sword

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Ezrio did a few practice swings with it before channeling his fire magic into the sword. The dragon eyes on the sword suddenly glowed red, as flames ignited from the open mouth, setting the blade on fire.

Satisfied, he requipped his sword into his personal pocket dimension before beginning to make his way back to Fiore, not before smashing his now armoured fist into the Monument one last time, the force of the punch, making cracks appear and spread before it finally broke apart, the pieces falling on top of one another.


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