Chapter 6 - Phantom Lord Pt.1

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Magnolia Train station, days later

Ezrik sighed as he finally got off the train. He was holding onto his stomach as he tried his best not to puke out anything from his stomach.

"Swear to god, never going on that thing ever again" muttured Ezrik as he tried not to vomit. After a few minutes, Ezrik got himself back together before heading out of the train station and in the direction of Fairy Tail. As he walked down the street, he noticed that people were looking at him and were giving him looks of pity?

He raised an eyebrow at this

"Wonder why they're giving me them looks?" Ezrik thought as he continued to walk down the road. He looked forward and suddenly stop in his tracks.

"No wonder why" muttured Ezrik as in the distance, was the Guild building, but this time it has freaking huge pillars jutting out from it. Courtesy of his enhanced eye sights.

At the sight of this, Ezrik broke into a run towards the Guild Building. It didnt take a full 2 mins for him to arrive in front of the guild.

"What happened here!?" Shouted Ezrik

"Phantom Lord" a voice answered him

Ezrik turned to see Mira behind him, who was on the verge of tears.


"We couldn't do anything about them. They got us good"


"You were looking for me?"

Mira nodded

"Yeah, master told me go find, he thought that they might have gotten to you"

"Forgive me, I had to go somewhere" Ezrik told her "Turns out the trip back took longer than expected"

Mira nodded

"Well, at least your ok" Mira said as she led Ezrik down a flight if stairs that led to the Basement. The basement was usually used for storage, but since most of the Guild building is riddled with Iron Pillars it is the only place not affected by the damage.

The rest of the Guild was sitting at makeshift tables, either eating, drinking, or moping. Anyone could tell that their morale was very low. Ezrik could see as he looked around that everyone was disheartened. He didn't like seeing people like this.

"Yo! whats up Erik my boy!" Makarov slurred, holding a mug of beer. It was obvious that he was drunk from what Erik could tell.

"Hey master" Erik greeted the old man.

"So did you complete your objective?"

Erik nodded "Yeah, I do. Master, do you not see the situation here? The Guild hall has been wrecked!"

"Theres no need to get worked up" responded Makarov "Its not like anyone got hurt or anything"


"The guild was attacked when everyone left" murmured Mira

"So, no one got hurt?"

"Exactly!" he took another swig of his drink

"But don't you think they'll try something else just to provoke us or something?"

"We shouldn't trouble ourselves with these fools" spoke Makarov "Forget about them"

Before Ezrik could say anything else, Makarov suddenly jumped off the crate that he was sitting on

"Now if you excuse me, I'll be getting more Beer"

"I don't understand why you guys wouldn't do anything about this" Ezrik said to Mira

"Cause its get us in trouble with the Magic council" Mira answered him "It'll just make things worst, and master doesn't want that"

Ezrik nodded in understandment.

"Say, who's Phantom Lord if you can mind telling me"

"Phantom Lord is a rival guild of ours" Mira began "They are in-parr with us in strength, but has more guild members than us, not to mention they have their own class of elites; the Phantom 4 and their own Dragon Slayer, Black Steel Gajeel"

Ezrik's eyebrows perked up at this

"Another Dragon slayer?"

"Yeah" Mira nodded " But the guild master of Phantom Lord is one to be careful about. He's one of the Ten Wizard saints; An honour bestowed upon by the Magic Council"

Ezrik nodded as he processed the information given by Mira.

"Thats all about them other than the fact that they are our rivals"

Mira shook her head, indicating there was nothing left to say about Phantom Lord.

"I see..."


"I never knew Fairy Tail had a rivalry with another guild" Muttered Erik as he walked down the street "Especially something as serious as this"

Ezrik continued walking down the street until he in front of a certain celestial mages house in Magnolia.

"Hey! Erik!" shouted a voice from above. Ezrik looked up to see Lucy calling him out from her home

"Hey Lucy" Erik greeted her back. it was at this moment he realised he has no placed to stay. A thought quickly formed in Ezrik's head"You mind if I crash here for the night?"

"Sure!" replied Lucy "Just give me a sec" Lucy added as she disappeared from her window. Erik waited for a few moments before the front door opened, revealing Lucy at the door.

"Come on in"

Ezrik nodded a thank you to Lucy as he began climbing up the flight of stairs to Lucy's suppose room. Once inside, he was greeted with the sight of Natsu, Gray, Happy and a redhead girl in amor all lounging around in Lucy's room.

"Hey guys" Erzrik greeted the occupants in the room

"Whats up, Ezrik" Natsu greeted from the floor to his fellow Dragon slayer

"Hey Ezrik" Gray greeted him from his position on the bed

Ezrik nodded at them before turning to the redhead girl who was sitting on the bed.

To say, she was a very gorgeous looking girl with long, scarlet hair and brown eyes. She wore a white shirt with a blue skirt. She gave him a hard stare, prompting him to give one back too.

"So, i presume you are the one who defeated Natsu, am I correct?" the redhead asked Erik

"Yeah" Answered Ezrik "And what if I am?"

They both stared at each other for what seemed like a whole hour, before she extended out a hand to him

"My names Erza, and its nice to meet you, Ezrik"

"Ah, you know me?"

"From what everyone told me, a few days ago you left quite an impression with the guild members, so you're Dragon slayer then"

"Yeah I am" said Ezrik "Its nice to meet you, Erza, hope we get along"

"Same here" Erza replied


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