Chapter 12 - Ezrik Vs Juvia

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A few minutes after resting himself, Ezrik finally was able to join the fight. Despite having a near-close call with Jupiter neaely firing again, everything seemed ok.

Until the Phantom Headquarters transformed into a Giant Robot. Ezrik had to massage his forehead in growing annoyance at the fact that Phantom ain't letting up and that they are really determined to get rid of Fairy Tail for good.

"Erza!" Ezrik shouted getting her attention "I'm gonna go help Natsu and the others. Stay here and continue to hold them back!"
Erza nodded as she slashed a Shade that tried to claw at her. Ezrik sprinted to the cliff before jumping off from it.

Ice Dragon's Freeze!

Ezrik blasted two ice beams from his hands at the surface of the water, carving himself a path to the Enemy guild as he made hus way to it. Once he was near enough he suddenly jumped from his ice path before switching to Fire Dragon Slayer Mode

Fire Dragon's Boosters!

Torrents of flames shot out from his feet, propelling him upwards until he reached a part of the Giant Robot. Once he got there however, suddenly it started to rain.

"Huh?" Ezrik muttered "Raining already?" This was strange indeed. One moment the weather was all fine the next it was beginning to rain. An idea suddenly popped up in his head. Curious, he stuck out his tongue and just like that, a single raindrop suddenly splatted onto his tongue. The magic relic was instantly activated as the same magic circle appeared behind him an image of raindrops on it.

"Sweet. I'm a Rain Dragon Slayer now" Ezrik muttered happily. Now he needed to test his new abilities.

"Drip. Drop. Drip." Ezrik suddenly heard. He looked around wondering who was speaking.

"Juvia, The Woman of Rain of The Element Four. Drip, drip drop." Said a blue haired woman with dark blue eyes and pale skin. Her hair was long and tightly curled at the base, resting on her navy blue coat and a fur shawl, with a teru teru bōzu doll attached to it, along with a Russian Cossack hat.
"Smart that you would try to sneak past the others. But this is where you are stopped"

"Ha! Please!" Said Ezrik with a feral smile "As if your a challenge for me! You wanna fight bring it on!"

Ezrik and Juvia stared at each other. As they stared at each other, Juvia felt to feel a nagging in herself, a blush suddenly appearing on her face.

"You win" Juvia said all of a sudden, making Ezrik face vault "You can pass"

"Wha! Hold on!" Ezrik shouted as he walked after her

"What is wrong with Juvia?" Juvia asked herself as she clutched her chest. "What is this feeling in my heart?"

"Hey, if your not gonna fight at least point in the direction of the others! A.k.a where your element 4 mates at!"

"Juvia want to make him hers'" she then turned around, her hand raised up "Juvia can't wait no longer!"

Water Lock!

Juvia pointed her hand at Ezrik as a sphere of water appeared, absenting Ezrik of oxygen

"Scnheeky.... brrigtch!" Ezrik cried out from the water prison as he struggled to catch some air. Juvia began panicking.

"Oh no! He's drowning! What do I do! I-i gotta release him quick or else-!"

However, she was immediately cut off as suddenly the water prison began freezing. Due to Ezrik panicking and gasping for breath, he accidently switched to Ice Dragon slayer mode making him freeze the entire Water sphere before breaking free from it.

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