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400 years ago, in Earthland, in a time when Magic wasn't a much known topic and was only beginning to make its first known appearance to the world, Dragons once ruled the world.

They ruled the skies above, flying freely above the clouds, displaying their might and power to those down below. And it was of this, did humans, feared them, as the Dragons would feast on them. Everyday, humans lived in Constant fear of a Dragon attack, they cower in the shadow of their oppressors, who treated them like sport, like a fox running for it life as Huntsmen were trying to kill it.

Until one day, a Single Dragon, questioned such cruelty. This Dragon wanted harmony between the Dragons and Humans, but many Disagreed with him, even regetted such Ideal, and because of that, it sparked a War unlike any other, between those who wanted such harmony with Humanity, and those who didn't.

Many Dragons fought in this war, the skies filled with the sounds of bellowing Roars and DragonFire. Explosions rocked the skies. As the war dragged on, both sides sustained the heaviest of Casualties, and with each battle waged, many Dragons die, with each passing day, many more die to this fiendish squabble, a squabble that was started by the one who questioned the Dragon's cruelty to humans.

Which now leds us back to the one, the Dragon who started this childish conflict, over a simply ideal of peace. The Dragon looked up to the skies from his  refuge, a large cave somewhere in the East Forest. The skies now filled with the sounds of battle and seemed the glow an eerie red.

Ever since the war began, he didnt even made an attempt to join the fight against the Anti-Human Dragons. He made no attempt, as he would rather not stain the blood of those he once called his brothers and sisters. Another reason was that, the war had taken a turn of the worst.

The Pro-Human side, in order to turn the tide, they had decided to train humans in the art of Dragon slayer Magic, which was a very bad idea.

Despite the humans willingly to help in the war effort, there are those that wanted it for power. The power to slay the Mightiest of Dragons. In the wrong hands, such power could become dangerous, and it has proven to be true as in a few days, since the Drqgon slayers had been unleashed, there are constant reports of Dragon slayers going rogue, turning on their fellow Dragon slayers and Dragons. Some say it was because of a lust of power. But only he knows why.


For as long as he remembered, Humans have feared Dragons. They had eated them. Played then for sport. Even terrorized them, raising and reducing many  towns into dust, killing many people, scarring them, scarring them for life. It was imprinted in them. Their fear of Dragons, would never diminish, there are some that wanted change, but there are many, that wanted them to suffer, just like they did, while some wanted them extinct.

He stared at the sky once more, before turning around and made his way inside the cave. Inside the cave, on the stone cold floor, laid his son.

A young man with black hair and black eyes. He wore nothing but torned and ripped pants and his chest covered in bandages. His bandages were slowly becoming red, indicating that he was bleeding out slowly, soon he will die. He needed to act fast.

The Dragon crawled up towards his wounded and dying son, he brought up his clawed hand up, as it began glowing. A magic Circle appeared on it, before an Item appeared on his palm.

It appeared to be an orb, roughly the size of a basketball, it glowed a variety of colors; red, purple, green and all other colors, like a rainbow, except it wasn't a rainbow.

This here is the key, in safekeeping the power of the Dragons. This here, is the Ark of Dragons, a Magical Item that contains the power of all the many differant dragons out there. It safekeeps their power, by copying their element and integrating said power into its wielder. And now, he is going to seal it into his own son, without his permission.

He was dying, and sealing the Item into his son was the only he could be saved.

The Dragon slowly placed the Orb onto his son's chest. The moment he did, the Orb began glowing as it began to intergrate itself into its new host. The Orb slowly sank into its new host's chest, and as it did, his wounds began to heal itself. By the time the orb had sucessfully bonded with the Dragon's son, he was already healed and stable.

The Dragon breathed a sigh of relief, happy that he could save his son from a life threatening situation caused by his fight against Acnologia.

Slowly he picked up his son and began crawling deep inside the Cave once more. He then arrived where he needed to bring his son, a small tomb, where his son would be sealed for the next few hundred years.

He placed his son inside the tomb, carefully placing him on the stone cold table. He retracted his hand from the tomb, before picking up a rock and blocked off the entrance to the tomb.

With that done, he turned around and made his way out of the cave. Once outside, he turned around to the entrance of the cave, and destroyed the entrance with a breathe attack, for extra precation.


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