Chapter 13 - Ezrik Vs Jose Pt.1

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"Come on!" Shouted Ezrik as he turned left into another corridor "This way!"

Mira, Gray and Elfman followed suite as they ran down the corridor with Ezrik. Suddenly everyone's attention, whether they were inside the Giant or in the courtyard in front of the Fairy Tail Building, was grabbed by a ding in the Phantom Lord's PA system.

"Attention you pathetic Fairy Tail scum," Jose said, "listen carefully because I'll only say this once."

Suddenly, a familiar feminine scream sounded through the speakers that made Ben and all the Fairy Tail mages freeze in horror.

"Lucy?" Ezrik said

"We have captured your precious Lucy Heartfilia, which means that our first order of business is now out of the way. And that means only one more thing, my favorite part, wiping you pathetic brats right off the face of Earthland."


Ezrik growled after hearing Jose over the PA. He was fixing to start tearing everything in the Phantom Lord's headquarters apart until he heard a familiar, faint yell coming through the stone walls.

His brow ridge lifted as he turned in the direction of the roar. "Natsu?"

"Thats definetily Natsu all right" said Gray

"He sounds pissed" Commented Ezrik "Something that we all should be, now come on"

The group continued on as they entered a large room. Suddenly a dark haze flowed into the large room. The group froze as the black cloud created unpleasant, horrid sensations in their bodies. It felt as if death was coursing around them, trying to take away their souls.

"What the?" Gray mumbled.

"What is it?" Mirajane wondered.

"I sense…death" said Ezrik, flexing his wrist "And whoever it is is directly coming in front of us" (Lol)

"Whatever it is, it's pure evil." said Mirajane.

Suddenly, ominous clapping echoed through the massive, silent room. The group turned around to see a man wearing blue pants, a blue coat with a yellow trim, and black boots. His hair was black and tied back in a ponytail. His mustache was cut clean and his lips were a sickly onyx. But what really caught their gaze was the purplish-black energy radiating off of his body.

"Bravo. You are all quite keen. Very impressive, Fairy Tail wizards," the leader of Phantom Lord commended the group. "But never in my wildest dreams did I believe it would be this entertaining. Taking out my Jupiter Cannon, disposing of my elite Element 4, and you even managed to bring my Giant to its knees."

"Let me guess.....Master Jose?" Ezrik asked

Elfman, Gray, and Mirajane's expressions turned into shock and horror. "No way!" the former whispered.

"He's Phantom Lord's master?!" Gray yelled.

'Oh no,' Mirajane thought while holding a hand over her mouth. 'It's like a dark cloud is hanging over him. It makes me sick just being near him.'

"You've all entertained me so much I just have to return the favor." Jose stated.

Ben, Elfman, and Gray got over their fear and took defiant stances. Ezrik cracked his neck whilst staring blankly at Jose

"Guys ready?" He asked them they nodded

"We're with you!" Gray said

Jose mearily smirked "I'll return it fully"

Gray took a stance, and chanted, "Ice Make: Saucer!"

Elfman held up his right arm, a magic circle appearing on top of it. "Beast arm!"

"WAIT!" Mirajane screamed; however, her protests were ignored as Elfman and Gray jumped at Jose.

All of a sudden, an amethyst circle appeared in front of Jose, and then a volley of purple jellyfish-like ghosts fired out from it. Gray and Elfman both shouted in agony as the ghosts blasted them backwards, where they crashed into the floor.

"Elfman! Gray!" Mirajane cried.

Ezrik growled as he turn to face Jose. Igniting his fists on fire, he was about to charged at Jose but Before he could actually charge at him however, Jose moved his hand in a swift arc pattern. As a result, a red explosion of magical energy sent the group, minus Ezrik, careening back. They landed on the other side of the room, hitting the stone floor hard, putting out of the fight immediately.

Ezrik wasn't sent flying due to him entrenching his own feet into the floor itself, preventing him from being sent flying, and an added bonus before the explosion hit him, he quickly switched Elements from Fire Dragon Slayer mode to Earth Dragon Slayer mode, and with that he equipped himself with Earth Dragon's Stone Armour, protecting him from the explosion.

"Fascinating," Jose remarked "You were able to stop Jupiter from destroying you all and further more, just by changing Elements"

"Yeah" Ezrik said "And what if I were able to perform such a feat?"

"It's a shame someone like you would join a guild like them" Jose said

"Yeah well I don't regret that decision" Ezrik replied as he changed Modes once again to Tachyon Dragon Slayer Mode
"You want a fight that bad, then you've got one right here, I can handle whatever you throw at me" Ezrik made the "Come at me" motion with his hand.

Jose made a wicked, malovelant sneer "A powerful yet arrogant and overconfident... destroying you will fill me with unbelievable pleasure"

Ezrik stared at Jose, not sure if he heard him right. Him? Filled with inbelievable pleasure? He took a step back.

"Are you sure your not gay? Cause that just put the nail on the coffin alright"

Jose growled in anger "You are going to die, as well as your friends in that pathetic guild"

"We'll see" Ezrik said. With that he covered his hand in Tachyon energy and rushed forward at Jose, who simply grinned evilly as he held out his hand and fired an ethereal pillar at his opponent.

Tachyon Dragon's Accel Drive!

Purple energy began swirling around Ezrik as he zoomed past the ethereal pillar and right into Jose's face. Before he could react, Ezrik sucker punched the Darkness mage right in the face before grabbing his hand and hurling him into a pillar with such force that the pillar collapsed.

Ezrik cracked his neck "Seriously? thats all you got? And here I thought I was facing a mage of such preportions and power.... you disgrace me with your performance"

Suddenly as Ezrik said this, the room was suddenly filled with a powerful yet malovelent magical energy. Where Jose was thrown at, suddenly exploded in Amethyst energy along with a shit toe of Killer Intent that even Ezrik could physically feel. Jose stood up from it as traces of Amethyst energy began gathering around Jose

"You....You...." Jose muttered through gritted teeth "I'm going to kill you very nicely.. I'm gonna destroy you in every possible way I can!"

"He's pissed~" Ezrik said as he hot himself in a battle stance.

"DIE!" Jose screamed as multiple magic circles appeared behind him. Purple Phantom like figures began pouring out from the Magic circles and raced towards Ezrik. Ezrik growled in annoynace, but none other the less grinned

"Time to get to work"


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