Chapter Two

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Jasper's POV

This brunette is pissing me off. Why in the hell did she decide to oogle me to death?? I can't help think about the owner. I talked briefley to the few guys here. It's definatley a woman, there are more male workers than female. or maybe I'm looking into this a little too much after all i don"t exactly work every night here and for that I'm greatful. Not to mention the rich girls who leave $100 tips when i threaten to smile. Smiling....I almost forgot how to do that.

"Uhm...hello? Did you not hear me?" asked the brunette

"I'm sorry what did you want?" I asked, stressing the word want.

"Sex on the beach with a double shot of jack. the naughty bottle," she replied smiling suggestivley reaching for my hand. "I can get really naughty sometimes, tell me what i have to do to put a smile on that face." she adds

"Oh." i reply snatching my hand away seconds before she could touch me. "I'll think about keeping that in mind if i ever find myself drunk enough to think you're remotely attractive." I add dryly

I hand her the drink spilling some onto the counter and move to another section of the bar under the manager's office. i could hear her screeching about my being gay and worthless to anyone within earshot. As if i could care what she had to say or anyone else for that matter. The crowd is loving DJ Gold tonight, I'll admit she's got me feeling not so down this time. I wonder who she is really. Can she tell me how to find the manager? This woman who seems bent on eluding me is starting to spike my curiousity. Has something happened to her because she hired me? I hope She didn't have a run in with Jane or her brother. She'd be dead for sure. I don't want a death on my hands. Never that, I've killed too many once before. I will not live that way anymore, Alice gave me a second chance from that long ago. Man, my head hurts. If i don't get a grip on these feminine emotions the next piece of flesh will think i want some. That will be the farthest thing from the truth.

"All right Everyone I'll hand it over to the guest and my honored friend David Guetta, knock 'em dead man!" a voice chimes from the Dj tower in the middle of the dance floor.

Screams are heard from all around as a man with a scratchy five o'clock shadow takes the stage and a new mix he had been working on flows through the speakers. I watch as a chcocolate skinned woman walks from the bottom of the DJ tower, through the crowd over to the bar. DJ Gold. Full lips, even chocolate skin tone, smiling dark eyes that turn light brown when she laughs. I tower over her height at 5'2. She dances and often shows out when she doesn't feel like being on the one's and two's. Her slim figure gives me chills sometimes. Well only on the nights i forget to hunt before coming to work. Her scent is mouth watering. A warm vanilla mixed with sweet cinnimon. She's the only one who got a smile out of me. Just that once, when i forgot to eat and I was fresh in my depressed state. Her neck was sore from sleeping wrong she complained to me. Closing her eyes and rubbing it lightly at the base of her skull she exposed her neck to me. I found myself leaning forward for just a quick taste. I don't think she will even mind me doing so. When her neck cracks I pulled back quickly. I thought of what sorry animal will cross my path on the way home. I smiled lightly at the memory.

"You never do that for me with such ease. Tell me what's on your mind." she whispers close to my ear.

How had I not noticed her coming around the counter? I quickly but lightly grasp her neck shivering at the amount of heat pouring from her body.

"I was thinking of the taste of your lips." I growl inches from her sweet mouth. What the hell? Did I just tell this woman I wanted to taste her? Aww shit.

Macy's POV

Finally! I can never get close enough to him without him notching. He's so zoned out it would take a nuke to gain his attention again. I slip behind the bar and shiver as I get closer to him. Those eyes are watching some distant memory. No doubt of the time he had with that loved one. I take the moment to look at the rest of him. He towers over me at the height of 5'9 or 6' even I think. His pale skin reminds me of white marble that glows lightly when the backlights come on. His shapely brow is always drawn in annoyance but not now. Now it's relaxed, making his large golden eyes have a small dose of innocence to his lost expression. His lean muscular build suggests he works out just enough to keep muscle. My fingers itch to dig into his chest. I see him move slightly and return to his face. His full, soft, rose pink lips twitch and form a light smile. Fighting my urge to kiss those lips I allow his to realize his space has been invaded by me. He moves swiftly bending me back on the counter with a hand at the base of my neck. I inhale the delicious woodsy scent flowing from his skin. Jasper's hand is cool against me. My heart quickens as he leans forward and presses those soft lips to my ear telling me of his desire to taste my lips. HUH???

That can't be right. He....oh jeez....his belly is rock solid. No he did not just put a hand on my leg pulling me closer. What's happening????

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