Chapter Four

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Jasper's POV

I press my forhead to the cool glass and look out onton the oncoming dawn. The rain pounds against the house matches my gloomy mood. For once it's not about Alice anymore. It saddens me deeply that I dragged this innocent woman into a world of problems as far as who and what I am. How did I think I could escape who I am and all that surrounds me? Her emotions are hidden beneath the void her mind is subjected to. I growl and allow the reflection in the window to experience the anger playing against my scarred features. Vienna, that witch. Why did she have to come now? Is Maria really alive? The day Alice found me I walked away with her and never looked back. Maria had no powers so she had no way to locate me. At least not until recently I'm told. In order to somewhat keep Macy in the dark I erased the video footage of lastnight inside and outside the club. To the police and her it will look like she forgot to hit the record button. To give the fire department a job I set apart of the lounge area aflame. Damages I'll gladly help pay for after coming up with and excuse of fighting a wasted customer who liked to play with matches dropped one that was lit while struggling with me.

"Jasper?" Macy called to me, her voice barely audible.

I walked over to her, still unable to feel any type of emotion coming from her. It hits me when she brushed my hand in a blind search to locate me. Like a bursting flood gate her emotions bring me to my knees. How can one small woman feel so much at one time for someone she doesn't really know outside of a few talks at work? Fear for my safety, compassion, understanding and lonelliness.

"Hey. Wake up. Macy, wake up." I say gently to her sturring frame.

She sneezes violently and rolls off the couch I set her on earlier. She craches to the ground with her eyes open wide in bewilderment at the unfamiliar surroundings. I watch her take a deep breath and inhale my scent. When she realized she was in my house she visibly relaxed and dropped her head causing her long hair to shield her face from me. I think of how I should probably dust off the place since she would find a way to come back. After the conversation we had last night there is no way she wouldn't be coming back. I sink to my knees when I see her frame shake and smell the salty drops that pour from her eyes. Is she frightened of me?  What reason could she possibly have for crying? What is making her so worried? I'm sure Vienna won't be coming back after I ripped her arm away from her body. How can I reassure her that she won't be back without expaining too much? Hell how can I explain why I acted the way I did when she revealed to me almost everything I wanted to know? Her moving snaps me out of my thoughts. Her red puffy eyes and swollen face break my heart when I catch sight of her face. I'm even more disturbed by the fact that I can't figure out why she's upset. It's killing me inside that I can't stop the tears from falling. Even if I'm the reason I just want those tears to go away and have her smile be put back in it's rightful place. All in a moment she stands on her knees I smile inwardly noting how I still tower over her while we are both on the floor. I feel my senses tickle and I brace myself for the onslaught of questions, accusations, fear and cowering in the corner, hell even yelling and screaming about me being banished from her presence. That last thought scared me more than I am willing to admit. Instead I find myself being tackled by this little woman and her emotions all at once. Her arms wrap around my neck and her hands tangle themselves into my hair with her face pressed firlmy to my neck. Tears sting my eye sas she tightens her embrace causing her body to shake and her warmth to seep into my cool skin. I give into my urges and burry my hands in her shoulder length, jet black, platium blode streaked hair. I plant kisses on her ear and neck whispering softly assurances of my saftey and how I'm not going anywhere. After 10 minutes she calms down and begins to finger the scars along my shoulder. I feel body stiffen as I for once begin to feel uncomfortable and open my senses to confirnm that she feels revusion to the marks across my flesh. Before I can gently remove her from my lap she kisses the scars along my jaw line coming so close to my mouth. Her emoions hold nothing but conecern. Concern that is more than friendly. I open myself up to her a little more and delve into her emotions. She has up a wall at first but soon it drops and I analyze every thing I come in contact with. In my third eye I see a light. It's under so much weight and fear that she pushes down. I dive for it and something deep within me is uncovered at the same moment. Hope. Her soul mirrors mine I realize. She wants so much to give me love. It's honest and pure. So much so that she doesn't realize her heart has choosen me as it's next recipent. I allow myself to think about hoping to start anew withthis enigmatic woman. The woman who made me experience the cold for the first time in a long time when she sat back and pulled me up to a sitting position. Her body was slick with sweat and her tear streaked face smiled at me with some unknown recognition. I wonder how I have grown so attached to this little woman so quickly.The thought of Vienna of Maria using Macy in any wasy makes myshake with rage. A human's ignorance to my kindred is the only resaon I may feel the need to protect the weaklings but had it been Macy I would tare this land into pieces with my bare hands until I found her.  Is this what Edward felt about Bella when she was still human? If so I understand more than I ever have before. The need for her to be near me is terribly great. I need not her blood no matter how deliciously appeasing she smells. I crave her none the less. I need her. I want her. Her presence make me whole. More so than Alice ever could have made me feel. As much as I loved her this could never compare. Ever. Let's face the music shall we? I love her, but who is she?

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